The one I love is the opposite of me!

Have you ever wondered how can we love another and hate them with the same passion?

As weird as it seems, not all of us but most likely once in a lifetime we have been bound to this situation, and for some is a forever style of relating.

When two antipodes meet they are very attracted toward each other as they complement one another, but with time they are going to face more of the ice underneath the iceberg, and they have got to deal with this power struggle, it is a life changing experience, none the less it requires some level of adulthood, so it does not turn into a dramatic scenario, but for sure the effects will be long lasting.

Moreover, we have to realize that what we deem as opposite holds within even those traits we already have inside but we have either refused to get in touch with or they are at sleep.

When we meet this other creature who is activating this part in us we are not so familiar with, we will be challenged and so will the other.

Ego battles and who is going to win the race, who puts the dots in the end, who Is better than…, and so on. This sort we call it petty arguments, but they are indeed important, because we can clear them up as soon as they are on the surface, when we actually to see them.

Furthermore, when you are stubborn, the other is being too, when you are detached, the other is being too, when you are hating, when you are loving the other, they are too, simply it is called mirroring effect.

This is the timing when you cannot see eye to eye, when you go further away from one another, you avoid, you withdraw, you try to move on, you wanna close the chapter, guess what, the other is doing the same.

The issue is what if you turn that around for the better, what if one of you gets it together and breaks the push and pull process, what if you both agree to disagree, what if you try to meet in the middle, have you ever questioned what is going to happen?

If there is mutual love, Instead of suffering and missing one another, waiting who is going to show some vulnerability, who is going to accept that there is feelings on both ends, who is going to gather courage, that it is alright to love someone who is so damn similar, however different from you.

Rather then keeping one another at arms lengths and focusing on what separates you, why don’t you concentrate that energy on what connects you?

Start small, mention three things you like in the other, and then have a heart to heart chat, such as I really care for you, I like you a lot, you make me happy, but you also make me very mad, you bring the best out of me, but you also bring the worst in me.
At the same time, I really miss you when you are not around, and you get on my nerves so easily when you are present, but I do consider reconciliation for the sake of what I am feeling for you.

I know it is hard for you to change, and so is for me, as we are both very independent, self willed, we are both powerful in our ways, but I don’t like arguing with you, we definitely can make this functional, we just need to surrender to love through speaking up, and probably it might exhaust us at first comparing to those couples for which things flow easier, but we have chosen one another for a greater purpose, we will be compensated with the most astonishing bonding.

When overwhelmed we believe that the other one makes us happy, and that one is our greatest pain as well, we have to realize that no one makes us happy, except for ourselves, and no one makes us unhappy either, the other just adds or takes some from our cup, thus making harder coming together.

I am very trustworthy and honest, I love deep and open conversations, I am gifted with wisdom, I express my feelings as they are, have I ever met someone who resonates with me, hmmm…I don’t think so, in spite of that, the one I love is the opposite side of the SAME COIN.

Raise your vibration! ❤❤

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