This is me!

Each time we are materialized in life, the plan is perfectly pre-designed, we choose our blood lineage, a different skin color, sickness, addiction, path, gender, ethnicity, language, talent and so on to grasp something new.

Everything is carried in our flash and bones we have chosen too, so we experience all that is in this lifeform.

We play it all here just like an actor, we are the bad one, the good one, the saint, the victim, the perpetrator, the sick, the outcast, the famous, the server, single, married, with children, without children, the King, the Queen, the peasant the beautiful, the medium and the ugly.

Yes, we are all of it, since we visit earth for us to learn the hidden secrets of this dimension, due to that reason we are all one!

Just because we are wealthy or healthy this time around, we don’t have to despise those who are poor or unhealthy, because the world turns around, the hand that once was up goes down and vice-versa.

If we understand this simple and easy rule about life we would live in bliss and do our job like an undercover agent.

This way we would rather touch & taste what we came here for and leave as soon as possible as this is not our natural state, but this is a lovely place to be around for a while.

Thus, don’t unpack, do not pack anything either, why carry heaviness with you, just be as light as the air, as pure as the water of the river, as innocent as the heart of a child and as soft as the sound of the virgin earth tuned with the acoustic of heavens.

This is me, I have had enough, perhaps I have been all of it, and now I have chosen this new identity which does not exist in any other shape.

This is me, nor proud, nor under valuated, but every time I am born I bring some uniqueness and every time I die I gain something I previously did not have, after all, I recognize I am just a temporary tourist.

Raise your vibration! ❤❤

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