Ho’oponopono! Happy 2020!

The Hawaiian healing technique!

It is that time of the year when some are running to find the best deals, gifts, dresses, food, places where to celebrate, and others are planting the seeds for the new year!

It is that time of the year, we either remain the same, looking pretty and sugar coat it as much as we can, or we are silent and consider our actions, reactions, beliefs, choices, what we have done and how much better we could have behaved, how good we have outlined our future and how it is all reflected back at us, how we create our holes or our castles!

It is that time of the year we have to make peace with the past, and we have to welcome the hereafter when the dress and the shoes we are going to wear have nothing to do with how we feel inside, when we know that is better to stay alone and peacefully then to be around what means nothing to us.

It is that time when we have to forgive ourselves and others, when we have to pray for forgiveness and when we have to open our hearts for a greater income.

Our ego can surely take us to fancy places and the most influenced people, but we will still feel empty, that there is no amount of gold in the world that will fill the void and the shallowness.

Ironically, family are not those who have been along with us for many years or those who hold the same blood signature, that friends and lovers are not those who boost our selfishness, or those who push us to fake it bigger, but those who love us with all their heart, those who don’t ask for anything but our presence.

It is that time of the year we have to be grateful and forgive ourselves, thus when we ignite the fire interiorly we will see the clarity exteriorly.

It is that time of the year, when you wish for the best and you feel more alone then ever if you are around the same old faces of triggers, when you carry the warts of the past, when you haven’t cleared up the ancient unwanted baggage, if you do not want your new year to be pretty similar or familiar to the one you are just leaving behind, then give it up.

The best lesson you are going to ever learn is how to love yourself unconditionally, how to forgive yourself fully, how to humbly be thankful to yourself and how to be strong enough to ask for forgiveness from those who had no idea what kindness is.

When we alleviate ourselves, next year and years to come will be of a great switch and our reality will progress forevermore, we will be where we deserve to be, with whom we wish to be, we will feel at our best and complete.

No more pretending, only being comfortable in your skin can overcome everything, because when you finally learn how to do that right, you will know how to spread it everywhere, just like the nice scent that we not just talk about, but it is usually recorded in the akashic memory for eternity and we will always connect that with splendor, and delight.


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