It is called promotion not selling…

We don’t have to be as clever as to realize what is the value of things, we just have to be open to understand what is the reason and the purpose why we advertise.

Why we try to be practical, thus, bringing forth our talents, that uniqueness that it is given to another, we have the choice to touch a thing we are not gifted with, at most, not this time around.

However, when we mature and when we broaden our perspective, we are able to leave our damaged ego talk before our pure heart.

From jealousy and from our so-called inability to overcome our shadows, we judge the other and see every action they take toward expressing themselves as a threat, because we feel as we are not good enough, truth is probably we will never be if we undervalue others talents, ideas, opinions, their upbringing, their light.

“People will judge you, so, get revenge, focus on yourself”.

When we are frightened by our own specialness, we are not allowing ourselves to blossom and unfortunately, we are also trying to make the path harder for another, at least trying to say unwise stuff, believing we have reached our goal and we know better, although exploding the fire of passion but not into a new beautiful peculiarity, but into a nervous breakdown, spilling poison to hurt someone else, creating emptiness for ourselves.

Like the old saying, when we have nothing kind to say, we have to shut up, but that requires some positivity and a level of maturity, yet, we can be old enough physically but we haven’t progressed more than the sucking stage.

Therefore, promotion it is a way for someone who has something to give to the world, thinking higher, spreading what they know, it has nothing to do with trading, it is not a personal benefit, it has all to do with letting the oneness shine and pushing the process of healing.

We all are here to face that phase, if we don’t, we will keep on repeating patterns and the same life over and over, getting nothing seriously done.

It is called promotion, to all those who have been given the right to do so will keep on doing it, because they are channeled and they are supposed to use the downloads they receive as an outlet for mankind, focusing on the bigger picture rather than small individual mindset.


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