I am lovable!

Ironically, in most the cases we are the problem not the other, luckily we are the solution too.

As much as we think we are cared for and we are constantly looking for approval, we forget that the most important part it is found within.

We have at all times to be aware that even if we are loved, pursued, complimented, even if the other is giving their time, energy, their life for us, if we don’t love ourselves, we will never be able to receive, we will never feel it nor appreciate it.

If we don’t learn how to value ourselves and if we don’t know how to take care of our wellbeing, our needs, our passions, no matter who loves us, we will still feel empty, never fulfilled.

On the other side, there is nothing more appealing than someone who has learned the most significant lesson of care, compassion, understanding, confidence, knowing deliberately themselves.

Furthermore, it is wonderful to meet someone who vibrates from inside out that charming, gentle, sunny personality, that their spirit feels so liberated and free, that no matter who comes and goes, who loves them or not, it does not matter how others treat them, and certainly it does not matter what life throws at them because they are so comfortable in their skin, they believe in themselves, they have faith in life.

They have accepted themselves as they are and they are perfect with all their imperfections, thus, they inspire everyone with their free-spirited nature and with their easiness, they have all the reasons to be loved.

When we know we are lovable, we are able to love another, we are balanced in giving and taking, we are willing to learn and be thoughtful, we are free of judgments, free of expectations, we are the most delightful creatures in the world.

Mantra: I am lovable, this is going to be my mantra until the Universe replies to me with everyone I meet, everywhere I go at the same speed of frequency, the one of adoring and being adored.


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