Moon in Gemini, your emotional needs!

This is also valuable for the Moon in the 3d house!

Gemini, your emotional needs are indeed connected with your mental stimulation, gaining knowledge, traveling, roaming, exploring.

You want your mind to be challenged constantly through words, thoughts, concepts, everything that keeps your mental energy flowing, otherwise you despise boredom.

You are quick and it is hard to keep it up with your witty nature and your expertise.

You have many projects to explore, and you are multifaceted, (fashion, writing, speaker, soccer, gossiping, geography, history, and many more), yet you might be as well very superficial in your choices, you go from one thing to another simply because you like the excitement and the newness but you are not the one who wants to settle or even worst to go deeper.

Therefore, you might follow different directions in your life and you will not stop in just one pursuit.

You might lack a sense of purpose, not because you are dull in ideas, but because you have many, so you might feel as though every choice it will be like a crossroad, and you have got to give it a second, to think it through before you will decide which path is the best one, even though you can find beauty and equal reasons to pick either one.

You are a sweetheart, you are very friendly and sociable, you can make friends effortlessly, you can attract partners without putting much effort, you prefer to mingle with others and you are fun to be around.

You are known as the emotionally detached one, you are an air sign, in order for things to make sense to you, it works best when you are not including your emotions, that’s why you are seen as the one with two faces.

However, you have two sides of yourself, you are like two biological twins that have opposite traits and both have valuable motivations, that’s why you might be moody and indecisive.

Moon in Gemini, you can get easily attached to those who are emotionally unavailable to you, because this is the subtle energies you are manifesting from inside out.

Moving along with your projections, you do not entertain the goal of being fully committed nor engaged, so that should not be a surprise, but a way to move beyond your inability to balance your emotions with your logical side, and to keep up with the routine.

You, Moon in Gemini are someone who knows something about every subject, you are usually open-minded, you have good intuition and best interests in your heart.

You might have trouble connecting with your feelings and expressing yourself in that regard, it will appear to others as though you are living in your brain, and not as much from your heart, despite the fact that you love deeply and sincerely.

You need to ground yourself in order for you to be in your power, your mind can put you down or up, it all depends how good care you take for yourself in that sense, and if you have an outlet for your shrewdness.

You can have good relationships and be understood well by those who have Moon in air signs, such as Moon in Libra and Aquarius, or fire signs, such as Aries and Leo.

What about your opposite sign, Moon in Saggitarius? – You can be best buddies or you will not stand one another, but one thing is for sure you will influence each other’s life. It is usually said that you bring clarity in one another’s mess, and you might be soulmates.
What air can do to the fire?!

…but there is also Scorpio who loves to dig gold and you are precious to them, you are their favorite treasure.

You are charming, free-spirited, mutable but you have the heart of a child, you will always look younger, thus, things will not always go great with this one, since Scorpios want someone to die for them, someone who goes the extra mile.

Ironically you do everything for a Scorpio, you can be the best one for a them, you can both please one another and be very intense, but you love independence, freedom and movement, Scorpio on the other side it is so intrigued by your vibration, by your light, and wants to control you, anyhow, if things work out, this relationship can last a lifetime.

In case you are wondering why you appreciate life this way, it is because your mother (your primary caregiver) most likely was a non-conformist, free thinker who enjoyed traveling and had many interests, she was self-sufficient and she created such image for you freely.

You do not smile, you laugh with all your being, you are optimistic, good looking and fashionable, you can talk for hours when you feel comfortable, or you will keep quiet and turn very cynical around those who do not measure up with your intellect, with your futuristic anchor.


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