Time apart defines the quality of a relationship!

From my perspective, we focus our attention and we give so much during the moments we are together to a point of overwhelming at times.

We haven’t really learned how to approach situations, to give it enough space and air so the relationship grows stronger, slow and steady.

Only when we are mature enough we realize that there is no need to rush into infatuation and to discover everything about the other, we don’t need to be in a hurry.

Unraveling and unpacking our baggage in an easy, comfortable way, in our pace, in our biological timing is of great significance because we will have the right amount of freedom of expression, we will take back control, in balance with our emotional wellbeing and we will also allow the other learning things about themself they never had the chance to know.

Time apart defines us and the future of our relationships.

When together we are supposed to share our mind, body, and soul, our aura meshes up, we connect with the other in many ways until we almost lose track as to who we are and who the other is, I have seen it many times around me.

Moreover, that’s why time away from one another is important, so we enjoy our space and we connect with our feelings, emotions, with our thoughts, patterns, we get in touch with ourselves, we do this favor to the other as well.

Furthermore, when the time to be side by side again arises it is not going to be overbearing, we have cleaned ourselves from what is not ours and they have done the same, we don’t carry their energy with us and they do not carry ours with them, we are unique individuals and independent, we can now merge and share one another freely, authentically and reasonably.

We have different definitions of relating, and we have a tendency towards the image of the family we have grown into, yet, we learn that love and relationships have nothing to do with being always in each others company, with not having time for ourselves, with having to much autonomy, it has to do with interdependence when both partners equally work and contribute as a whole half of a partnership.

Sometimes a relationship is energetically completely over, there is no more exchange and we have to move on, but we feel stuck because we did not have the chance to think it through in aloneness, although, when we do, we understand it is time to part ways.

With time apart we learn how valuable we are, what is our role in this relationship, what are our boundaries, our separate goals, how do we spend our time alone, how able we are to take care for ourselves, how loved and respected we are, how we keep alive the lines of communications and do we respect each other’s privacy?!

We know we are participating in this process even though we are not physically in the same physical space.

A relationship gets tested and proves her worth during the times a couple is not in every single moment in togetherness, on the other hand, silence, lack of communication, lack of emotional support, forgetting about the existence of the other, will bring the destruction and it will backfire the relationship.

It is exactly the time we are not together that will maintain a relationship or will contribute in ending it even more then when we hang out together, we care for one another or we are intimate and have fun.

The work, the efforts we apply in making things last and be happier it is a preparation for the intimacy, if we go cold and off, there is going to be detachment, retreats, misunderstandings, loss of trust, therefore, everything else will suffer and the relationship most likely will break.

Relationships are not just for pleasure, they are devotion to ourselves, to another and to a common goal, they require us to be diligent and caring even when we are not in the same room.

All the best things happen to those who understand the value of being active and keep the interest going at all times, this is worth exploring in all areas of our life, with all kinds of relationships, but it is certainly even more crucial for a romantic partnership.

With time apart, we are able to satisfy our needs and those of the other because we cannot wait until we get back together, we don’t get diminished into another and we don’t blame them, we instead spend quality time together, mindfully.


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