Our attachment style!

Psychologically speaking, there are 4 attachment styles: secure, avoidant, anxious and disorganized.

Unfortunately, the world is full of those who do not have a secure kind of connecting, therefore, they act as children even when in adulthood.

The good news is that we can switch from one to the other, or if life treats us well and we become aware, we can always aim to be content and to have healthy relationships.

I will misbehave so you will notice me, I will behave please notice me.

Ironically, two children even though born and raised by the same people, the same environment, yet can develop a different approach of relating.

One can become a master in making everyone’s life miserable, or a street smart person attracting attention with all costs, although acts as independent and indifferent, hardcore, outgoing, go-getter, in service.

On the other side, the other acts as submissive, voiceless, sensitive, and the nice one, the only way they can get something is by pleasing others and not bringing any problem nowhere if possible, silently waiting for things to be better, pretty shy, easygoing, book smart quite mellow, would like to be needed.

Both suffer from seclusion and from not being properly loved, yet chosen to participate in life in the opposite ways.

Have we ever asked if our parents have been loved?
How was their emotional psyche, how much did we get from them?

Do we feel nurtured by them, do we feel loved by ourselves, do we feel lovable? How are we behaving when our attachment style is being triggered?

I know it is hard to get to the point of this entire topic, mostly we try to avoid it and to repress it as much as we can, walking on eggshells every single time we are being tested, every opportunity that is given to us to understand who we are and why we are this way?

If we could just stand still for a minute, without holding our breath, just observing and acknowledging our movements, our reactions, thus, we can break those patterns one by one.

It is mercury retrograde, it is time to fearlessly go back in time, revisiting memories, our ways of living, and to finally figure out and release that which is blocking our blessings.


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