I am born for genuine commitments!

I have a low tolerance for nonsense!
“I am not scared of ending nor exiting a relationship, I am afraid of being waisted in the wrong one”

All kinds of relating, friendships, partnerships, business, family related have been considered and must have the elements of nothing but genuineness.

There is lots of information out there and videos, books as to how to make a man love you forever, how to attract them and keep them focused only on you, or how to make them go crazy and make you a priority.
No kidding!

The best of all is that men do have this massive patriarchal boost and they believe they are entitled to do all the testing, provoking, are you relationship material or not, but we forget that the same population is full with strong, smart, beautiful and worth being pursued women, those who are to be loved and respected just like the other gender.

On the other side, dating is resembling to having a coffee, you don’t know if the other time around is going to be with the same person, we live in a consumer society, we buy and we through away, we are good at producing garbage and not taking responsibilities.

What I haven’t really seen is about valuable, amazing women, wonderful creatures equally romantic, as attractive as those men who think they have all the rights to treat them as they want, well without much consideration, women are categorized in either righteous or not deserving.

Moreover, a woman who does not filter or requires evidence on how worthy the man she will perhaps have a relationship can be, is settling for less and certainly, she does not know her worth yet, and for that she has to be blamed as well as start asking, looking for what she really deserves.

I am cut for commitment, my first date in my life was 30 min late, because it was a miscommunication in the meeting place, I sabotaged it, I did not give it a second chance. Why? Am I picky, am I not normal, am I emotionally mature enough, am I to demanding, am I not compromising, do I get bored easily, a little bit of all probably? Is it me or is it them?

I have to admit I was pretty young, but my approach towards relationships hasn’t been changed much to be honest, even though I have done tons of emotional and spiritual work on myself as for a long time I doubted myself, maybe I was the one who needed fixing.

Why? …because I am made-up for deep, meaningful, committed relationships. If you are showing up late, you are not taking things seriously, and if I tolerate this from the beginning I wonder what is going to happen afterward?

Well, unfortunately, I think I also know the answer, the number of failed relationships and the divorce rate that is going stratosphere each day, which explains a lot. Plus to not mention betrayals, lies, disrespect, disputes and so on.

A woman, as well as a man, should always challenge the relationship and they should not take the other for granted, we are living in a very evolved world, we have seen and done many things, many times with many other humans, we have to understand our ways and equivalently contribute in the connection.

I am cut for fulfilling attachments, a kiss is not just a kiss for me, a touch is not just a touch, a word is not just a word and a behavior is not just a behavior, they are all showing us what we like and dislike, what we are worth for and what we are not.

I have questioned myself and I have been criticized by others for my way of relating, I know I am not the easiest to be in a relationship with, I am hard to pin down, I am confident, progressive and independent, I am a perfectionist.

However, I know what I can offer, I am an amazing partner, reliable, supportive, knowledgeable, adventurous, passionate, purposeful, ambitious, caring and fun.

One will never see that part of me if one is not willing to go further in getting to know me, or it is not in the same mindset, if I notice you are not for me, juggling options and not for the long haul I will make sure to not open up and I will also make sure to disengage.

Have I ever tried to fit in, yes, several times, did it ever worked out? Hell no, I was going against what I knew from the get-go what I have always wanted.

Surely, I have been feeling lonely and left out, but that was exactly the period that I don’t regret as it helped me realize what I am made from, and helped me to learn how to stand on my own. All is not lost, all happens for a higher reason and we are always divinely guided even if we forget that at times.

I have been looking for my life partner since I have been 10 years old, I am not made for the casual stuff, I am here to experience true love and partnership. When you know what you really want, you wait for the right moment and you focus on your goal, this is how destiny is written.

I am built for trustworthy commitments, honest, loving, respectful, mutual give and take, healthy relating, responsibility and lots of love involved.

What I have gained with age is the fact that I am open to giving second, forth… chances, because I strongly believe that we can grow, change and mature IF WE DECIDE TO, but each time around they have to show me that they are a good match for me, that they are worth my time and my energy, that our children have the potential to be a blessing not a product of some insane toxicity.

After all, I continuously ask myself do they make me feel like I want to be a better person, do they inspire me and make me feel like I can do everything when they are around, do I give as much as I get, how much am I able to provide for myself and what can I offer to them?!

Life is easier when we make valid questions as those lead us at the honorable choices!


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