Relationships are about putting up with mess!

“Sometimes it is destiny and sometimes it is us”
That’s right, it is all about acceptance, don’t you think all this world is a pure mascarade, a theater, a scene, and so are relationships.

Those who have managed to have long term relationships and keep it going for longer than others have mastered this trill, they have learned how to be there without much participation nor emotional involvement.

They are realistically there, logically, because they know life is uncertain, that there are no two similar people in the world as we are all unique, that there is going to be misunderstandings and arguments, failures and victories, glory and gloom, they just know this simple language and they do not dwell in any other expectation.

They know that love and relationships require stamina and are very challenging, there is no time for overdramatic nor passionate engagements, because such will only ruin things in the long run.

They know how to not take things personally, that whatever the other does or is going through they learn how to detach themselves from their doings and from the other’s actions, they are sober.
They focus on the good qualities, but they don’t miss out on the flaws.

On the other side, those who struggle and can’t build a relationship it is because they don’t know how to separate themselves from the other, they project and assume, they look for the other to love them and take care of them.

They desperately hope to be loved unconditionally, and in most of the cases, they chase this fantasy, ruining all the tangible chances that life offers to them, wishing for that single star, for that bliss that only exists in their imagination.

They overanalyze and overwhelm themselves as well as the other, they create issues where there is no need and they deal with things that are not as important in the first place.

They are concerned with pettiness, they don’t know how to give up some parts of themselves, they get choked by the problem, on how hard and impossible life is and they only respond with fight or flight.

They are quite unstable and intolerant, they are pessimistic and are ruled by fear. They concentrate on the negative side of every aspect believing things cannot be fixed and are permanent.

Due to that reason, they haven’t learned how to put up with discord, because their illusions are more familiar, otherwise they will stress out big time, they will get lost in the reality if they suddenly wake up.

…but relationships are turbulent, messy, emotional, they hold space for pain, yet they can bring healing and understanding, they can support in ways we are unable to foresee.

If you are not to caught up in how relating should be, you can enjoy the ride, and you will also realize nothing lasts forever, although you get the best out of every situation.

Companionships can be dirty and the more you stay the more it will surface, yet, you will not tremble, if you understand this philosophy, if you let things unfold and you face no matter what it is, relief will follow, nothing will ever have the force to disappoint you ever again.

You just have to put up with some discomfort firstly, you will get scared and furious, feel alone and lose peace, yet you will learn patience, perseverance, determination, contentment, affection, beauty and attachment.

There is no fusing with the other unless you have seen one another’s mud if you try to show only the best if you, then you will never know what warmth and decency truly are.

Relationships are never right, not easy, nor comfortable, but they can bring lots of growth and experience for life, ourselves and others, and that’s the reason why we interact in this Universe.

Thus, put up with chaos and melodrama as much as you can, until you have outgrown all the lessons and you will not react any longer on the small stuff, you will not get hurt easily anymore, the wider you see, the taller you will stand, and nothing will ever affect you.

However, do not stay in a relationship if your personality, your heart, mind or body are being held back, abused and possessed.
Put up with nonsense, but don’t forget to let yourself fly high!

Those who survive trials of cooperation are independent, fierce, rational rather than temperamental, they do not believe in an ultimate formula, but in working harder to overcome the obstacles each time they appear.

They know no one can ever fulfill you except for ourselves. They do not overlook and overthink things, they know life is confusing, nasty at times and that’s how it is. They communicate with honesty and respect.

They don’t blame, they comprehend, they focus on the solution and compromise, they are compassionate and tolerant, they are optimistic, lead by kindness and openness.

So tell me where do you stand in this storyline?!


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