The good hearted!

To all those who have a great heart and life has been wild with them, but they still dance in hope.

I used to see only the good in people and would ignore their bad side, even with myself I would do the same, I was seeing myself as either good or bad depending on what I was doing, the slightest mistake and I was mean, or I would totally ignore that side of me, I was supposed to be only good.

Moreover, I would trust others blindly, I was indeed trusting my heart dearly and I was projecting that kindness outside.

However, after getting hurt and broken, I realized I had to become more aware of my shadows and of those of others, after all no matter how spiritual we are, we have a human body with all the toxins, bacterias, brain limitations, energy stagnation, neurosis and all of such, we are masculine and feminine, yin and yang, black and white, good and bad.

I was feeding an illusionary monster!

Furthermore, I had to accept the truth and getting myself out of the trouble, I had to see clearly who I am and that others might not be like me nor having the same intentions.

I stopped trusting mindlessly and started questioning, as well as guarding my heart, protecting my mind, my body, my spirit with all I could, yes, we go to the extremes at first because we don’t want to experience pain ever again.

Although, we grow up shrewd and mindful, we learn to surrender, to become realistically skeptical, thus, I do have faith in myself, in the divine, I believe in benevolence and brilliance, grateful for I have never lost that childlike spark of joy and optimism.

Life will throw us sticks and stones and we will come across many, there is negativity and positivity at play, but there is always delight in the end of any journey and encounter, lessons and our originality matters the most, being authentic and believing that at all times we deserve the best.

Yet, just like the Queen of Cups in the tarot we are overflowing of beautiful, lovely, enormous emotions, but we never give our cup of love away, we know the value of it and we offer it to those who are appreciative, recognize the worth and reciprocate it.

I do not cofide freely, I do not open up myself to everyone that comes into my experience, however, I do consider on giving chances to those whom with time will prove they are worth of my precious genuinity.

Beside I am an energy healer, I am here to hold space for compassion and to focus on the bigger picture!


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