Lilith, Adam, and Eve!

Lilith was Adam’s first love and wife, even though he loved her, he wanted her to be submissive to him because this is how he would feel bigger and protect patriarchalism.

On the other side, she left him, because she believes in herself, in her power and no matter how much she loves him or that he is her divine lover, she cannot give up her freedom, independence, being treated without respect and not as an equal partner.

She knows that two people in love decide to stay together as a power couple, to protect and cherish one another within the same foot, they are one in front of God and they must be as well in front of the society. So will their offspring.

She does not rebel against him, or love, she simply detests the unfair system, when she is being placed in the corner and with no rights. She knows she is a whole individual, she does not need a man to feel validated or worth it, never mind to show her the way.

On the other hand, Adam usually takes her voice as a threat of his entire existence and that he cannot handle her intense, very confident, a strong personality.

He believes such as this is what he has been told, but when he is mature enough and spiritually strong he will only want on his side his other half and he will no longer fear her, he will rejoice her and be proud of re-finding such incredible attractiveness.

There are many Adam’s out there who keep on choosing less than they deserve, the secondary woman, Eve because she is weaker, manageable so they can be the King who unfortunately is not married with their Queen.

Therefore, they feel “special” and in charge, but unhappy because deep down they know their hearts desires Lilith, the strong and wise woman who as well makes their blood boil and their pulse race each time they are together.

For how long we are going to choose to be right instead of being satisfied and for how long we will try to dominate instead of enjoying life in togetherness?!

The separation from our true love is indeed separation from oneness, and this causes more trouble, more suffering than bliss, and joy.

Lilith or Eve, happiness or righteousness, passion or dullness, working together or being apart, longing or doing something valuable for humanity, each time it is our choice?

Really, how much have we evolved to put a woman in her throne, there are only two places both made by masculine and feminine energy when we honor those two energies within and without, when we will stop repressing them, we will be guided by our light and understand our darkness.


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