Who am I, and who do I want to be?

When I was younger I wanted to become a movie director, a fashion designer, or a teacher, for years I had these types of dreams…

My family especially my father found my desires as premature and he also thought that I would change my mind as I grow older and figure out my “real” purpose.

Now that I am realizing it, he might have been thinking that I am indecisive, so he kind of pushed me towards something according to him, more tangible, such as Philosophy and Sociology, he knew I could be good at those topics, whatsoever.

Don’t get me wrong, I love them both, I graduated in these subjects, still there has been always something else that felt was missing!

Then it has been a period when I almost forgot about what I wanted to be and started chasing guys, I mean love…yet, keeping in the back of my mind what will fulfill me.

I know some of us to become rich, famous, and reach higher levels of existence very fast, I am not that one…

Truth is, I do not regret the process as I have enjoyed myself, and each day slowly but surely I am sorting out and I am following my heart over my mind, it is just my path to go towards my wishes and to accomplish my goals has been filled with many setbacks.

I would say pretty scary, uncertain, unstable, unpredictable, and painful at times, although, I am grateful for I always find the strength to move on and to get up after a fall.

I have also noticed that some of us, from a very young age, know exactly what they want and they breathe through that philosophy, it is great!

In my opinion, even though at times we think we understand everything and lived the life we wanted, still, it can happen that later in life we have many regrets and ironically, it is alright to not know, sometimes blessings succeed as we learn how to relax.

Is becoming a fashion designer, a movie director, or a teacher still my priority?!

I have practiced teaching in the University after my graduation, and I am still open to doing it again, as, for the other two, they are not even as different as my calling.

So, no matter how far we go, we will at all times be guided back where we are destined to be.

I am completely in love with energy healing, and every time I perform it in myself there is a feeling of unconditional love and peace that surges throughout my mind, body, and soul.

I feel as though I am fully connected with myself and everything around, I know that when I heal myself I also contribute in healing the Matrix, again, how far am I from being in service and bringing beauty for the humankind?!

Coming from a background when what I am passionate about it is not as well understood and accepted, so to speak, I had to go in sideways, even knocked down by my spirit guides to accept what I came here for.

I had to learn how to embrace who I am, therefore, it took me a while, and if I might have seemed as gullible and that I did not know what I was looking for, It has been in front of me all the time, but I had on colorful glasses taken by others, with those I could not distinguish the path at first, and here I am amazed by the unknown & by the power of my consciousness.

Keep dreaming and be open to explore your inner world, as you more than anyone in this Universe knows better what cherishes your soul!


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