Moon in Pisces!

Also valuable for the Moon in the 12 house.

You need imaginary roaming, escapism from the this 3 dimensional reality, giving love and emotional support to others.
You need alone time, so you will laugh with your fantasies, in your own bubble of perfection.

You are a water sign, but you are far more different than the other two water signs, while Scorpio dives deep, and Cancer is very sensitive, you are sensitively deep.

You can’t stand confinement nor restrictions of any sort, while the other two are slow at change and have a hard time letting go, they protect themselves from others creating barriers from letting them in, as they feel so much, fear being hurt in a paranoid way, you seem more vulnerable, sweet, soft spoken, humble, shamanistic, you do not cling to the past, tradition, religion or relationships, you value humanity and you are a lover of all that is, an idealist.

When evolved, you are kind, talented, artistic and of service, when not, you might as well be delusional, living in your own mind and you might suffer from the Hero syndrome in your daydreaming, thus, making you not the best partner, coworker or friend to have, as you are unable to connect or be present, once again, when not grounded.

Usually charitable and insightful, you give help to everyone who needs it, you have high ideals even though detached from your ego as you are the most selfless of us all, this is your best trait and your worst enemy, since those who do not see life the way you do, might take advantage of your gentleness.

Moon sign explains our inner self, what we feel inside of us, that part that we show only to a few and is connected with our primary caregiver, so, your mother was broad minded, considerate and she taught you higher education at your best.

On the other side, she might have been completely clueless but mellow, she might have been very sensitive but genuine, she might have had an addictive personality and you unfortunately had to look after her more then she could take care of you.

Nevertheless, you have the ability to transform your mind and your life, you can turn things around in your favor when you decide to do so, you are not only gifted and brilliant, you can easily penetrate in your subconsciousess and that of others, restoring what seems broken.


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