When your twin flame is not “choosing” you!

Honestly, it is because they are not ready to find themselves, they are not loving and accepting of themselves fully, they are not embracing their shadows but acting on them instead.

When they are unripened, it will feel like you are constantly hitting a wall with your head full force, and you wish it will break into pieces, it will let you in, but alternatively, your head is being smashed over and over, until disappointment strikes you and that is all that is left.

You only want to feel better and be happy, to stop thinking of them for a second, just for a damn second, or at least doing something as little as brushing your teeth for heaven’s sake and not thinking of them.

Unfortunately, even if you are trying to let them go, they are holding on to you so tightly energetically speaking.

When they are not aware or ready to surrender to this connection, it will feel like a soft-spoken person trying to reach a noisy person in their heart.

Think about someone who is talking all sweet and kindly, while the other is having their eyes shut, their ears closed up, and meanwhile, it is singing out loud lalalala…

… just noise, noise, noise, your voice no matter how lovely it sounds, it is a meaningless song to them, and you trying to make sense, you look foolish in front of this immature trouble maker.

Many times, you are left with no choice nor desire to stay here, and question yourself is it me who is going crazy or is it them who are playing this ugly game, is the Universe who is triggering me into something, should I leave or should I fricking stay, do I deserve this, is this some kind of punishment, did I sign up for this mess, do they even suffer or think of me as I do, do I live in their subconsciousness just like they in mine???

Therefore, you leave, you always do and you are done, so done with this nonsense, with this intuitive hot air, you say that’s it, it is over, no more, I cannot handle this anymore, I will not put with this up, I am done…

…well, until the next morning or even a few minutes later, they are still there, eating, sipping, dipping, diving, working, talking, having a shower, walking, thinking, laughing, crying, watching TV, they are everywhere you are, there is no escape, how dare you?!

Dating is turned into a disaster, the closer you get to a new person, the more your heart hurts and you are in pain, and the more you think of them, never mind getting intimate, are you even kidding me…

Being alone sucks, with another, even more, they will be reminded of you all the time.

Ironically, since they are not in the same boat as you are, they are not in it as yet because they are not in alignment with you except for on a higher 5D level, it is not beautiful being around them either, you will feel so repelled by the same person you are struggling to live without.

You will even doubt yourself for loving such an individual, someone you would bet you would never ever date nor fall in love with, but here you are loving them more than ever, harder than ever.

Your heart is the CEO, she chooses who to love, your mind has little say in this decision.

The solution in this transitory process is to give so much love to yourself, more than you can, to keep yourself busy, even though they will still be there with you, and wait for them to awaken, to start seeing things you have seen way before, and hopefully realize where you have been through…

Truth is, you constantly wonder if they really care, since they have this poker face around you, acting all cool like you mean nothing.

On the other hand, due to the fact that they are very good at understanding people, they cannot read you either, and that drives them crazy, they have tried harder to not explore the feelings that they have for you or the love that they have for themselves, but one-day sooner or later they will wake up from this illusion and it will smack them pretty well.


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