The liberation and the Eclipses!

This Eclipse session and the new Moon in the watery emotional sign of Cancer is making us face our demons, we might feel angry (no wonder) and not understand why, throwing it onto others without hesitation, or at our best, we are taking this opportunity to deal with our unfinished business, to explore our feelings and the meaning behind our behavior.

We have been given the chance to meet ourselves halfway, to connect with our inner child and help it heal, as a mama bear would do for a child, Cancer sign is the caring parent so who best can help us transit from one state of hatred and fear into love and kindness.

Dropping of the past and clearing up that energy from the hurt and affliction, as we all have our emotional wounds, but the beauty and the liberation comes with releasing them, thus watching them dissolve by the regenerative power of the earth.

Think of someone who has literally stabbed us in the arm with a knife, we are supposed to get that out, and proceed with healing as well as nurturing ourselves until the wound gets closed, so we are healthier and feel better, it is pure logic.

Now think about it, if we hold on and keep it inside instead, if we refuse to get the necessary treatment, due to fear of further aches or of death, it will seem like walking around as half dead, without energy, like a ghost, like a vampire sucking life out of others, because we need curing but we deny receiving and recognizing it, and we are detached from our soul, we transform into a sick brain, emotionless, well we have to numb the agony in order for us to survive…

With all that being said, we have to let go and accept the help, only then we will be free and able to move on. Letting go is bravery and maturity, we must set ourselves free, we owe this to ourselves, to our generation, to our ancestors, to our offspring, to humanity.

Letting go of the past, of control, of relationships that are no longer serving us, of outdated beliefs that are keeping us stuck, of everything that has happened somewhere back in the past and compromises our wellbeing, we should let go now…

Let’s use this wonderful healing process and let’s take a minute by tapping our heart and speaking from there:

“I let go of the past with love, compassion, and forgiveness.
I am grateful for all the lessons”.

Repeat this at least 3 times, the shift will happen quite immediately and you can finally breathe again relaxed, and lightly.

However, if you don’t taste it right away, keep repeating it until you find peace within, you have got to give this gift to yourself, you have got to embrace and love yourself unconditionally, this is your moment, you deserve to be happy and to experience liveliness.

So much love ❤❤

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