When the parent turns into a babysitter.

How we manipulate the energy to get what we want, a child is the master example to get things done, their wishes and desires fulfilled in a sneaky way, it feels like they communicate faster than the rest of us with the devil.

Funny enough there are some people that grow up, have a big body but remain childish and behave from the same rooted habits.

I wonder pretty much with those that are living an adult life, but unfortunately are lead by their capricious, undeveloped personality of a 2-year-old.

Ironically, children are a great opportunity for growth for all of us, they teach us ruthlessly, on the other hand, we don’t just guard and encourage them in their first years of life, we must provide for them the basic needs, but we should care for them emotionally as well, which I believe it is way more important than anything else.

However, we are usually reacting from our patterns, we have been raised by those who knew very well how to babysit, in a cold, emotionless, often drained, and at times even from shadows and abuses.

Thus, giving it to the innocent little ones that which we were unable to fix for ourselves, or never received the help nor the love we so much needed to thrive.

So, instead, we learned how to withstand and to maneuver through life tricking ourselves and others, pretending to be all fine and that we can for sure have kids of our own, after all, we can grow up together.

When a parent turns into a babysitter, lying to the child to go to work making them face abandonment like a normal thing, hiding real raw feelings showing them to keep theirs secret, it is a shame to express yourself, holding love and compassion in case of a mistake, giving them the clue that this is what happens when you are learning, scaring them to fail for life or spoiling them over and above measure, teaching greediness beyond reality, and the list goes on and on…

I have nothing against the babysitters, they are great assistance and at times they love those they look after more than the actual parents, yet, their purpose is more tangible and practical, they are not required to give anything more than that.

While on the other hand, a parent is real guidance and a guru.

If he understands this role he has chosen to partake, it is of great pleasure, importance, and responsibility to give birth to a child, although it is advisable to take responsibility for ourselves first, to mend and deal with our animus, body, and mind, realize that giving life it is a commitment and a mature decision, we have to take this seriously, we don’t want to create more damage or karma, we want to create a wonderful future with authenticity, we have to lead the way to the truth by example not by shallow conclusions and rigid rules.

To conclude, kids are magical, they bring Universal wisdom, we just have to hear them out and we have to take care of ourselves, fill our cups beforehand, so to speak elevating through love and kindness.

RS ❤❤

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