What is love?

Love is the supreme force on this planet!

At first, I was a passionate, desperately romantic, in love with love, in love with another.

Ironically, smitten on me, I have been through hell and back and I still deeply believe in love, frankly, more than ever before.

I have always persuaded beauty, peace, and harmony, that is something that I have been looking for from the get-go, however, life hasn’t been treating me greatly in that department.

It feels as though my strong belief has been tested in many ways, just to prove to myself and to some other God, that no matter what I will not budge from myself.

I promise you, there is nothing more important, valuable than love itself, no matter how much you try to bypass it, fight it ridicule it, humiliate it or even see it as a weakness, it surely is the most wonderful emotion one will have to experience on earth.

At first, I was protecting this idea with all I could, and I would even declare it out loud, although, I haven’t had the best experiences in romantic relationships, I do not regret any of them, the worst they have been, the more negative encounters, the more I raise up in love and grace.

Love is the most precious possession, trust me I am a breathing demonstration.

Moreover, with time I have uncovered this concept expanding greatly as love is not romantically connected, one can be single for decades and still finds tremendous happiness in love as love is everywhere, in every cell, atom, or grime.

Love is in nature, love is in every living creature it does not matter how small or big, love is in the travel, love is being kissed by the Sun, love is in the Sunset, love is Sunrise, love is knowledge, love is working with passion, love is dressing with taste, love is creating, love is in friendship, love is in personal achievement, love is in thrilling conversations, love is the sound of the wind, the smell of the Ocean, the warmth of the silence and more…

Certainly, love is everywhere and everything, we come from afar with love and we return home through love.

Love is the journey, love is the only purpose, love brings us down, and love lifts us up like nothing else in the entire Universe… however, love is not decoded into one single being, or thing, or person nor lover in that regard, love is all around, from and within.

Who discovers love in wholeness is setting themselves free and is enjoying life without any expectations.

This simple formula without yearnings or attachments, nothing and no one to lose, will release you from all the suffering, and you will learn that love is the foundation of life, here, there and elsewhere, LOVE IS YOU!


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