How to feel better instantly?

We are energy, we are a vibrant ball of higher love, but when we are having the experience of life we feel, and we feel all sorts of feelings because we are made by them.

Usually repressed feelings and emotions from past hurt create even more imbalance within, but again feelings are our food of life, and it is kind of normal to explore them all.

Although, we would love to have only positive moments, memories, and great love, unfortunately, we also face some other complex feelings, and there is a long history of human nature that tends to avoid painful situations, what we call negative feelings, but when we do that the feedback will be reflected in our moods, and in our environment, in delays and disagreements, in conflict and lack of abundance, in lack of clarity and wellbeing, in lack of understanding and awareness.

Life is simply the flowing of the good and bad neutrally, accepting those equally as they are.

Some people have the ability to define their emotions and their state of wellness as they are pretty much in touch with their feelings or they have a background of people who have allowed them to be expressive.

On the other hand, it takes a great deal of time and lots of effort for others, but it can all be done if the need for change and to lead a more balanced life exceeds the stubbornness and limiting beliefs.

So let’s say we are feeling cranky today and unmotivated, and ready to get involved in arguments, if we could just stand still for a moment, and connect with our feelings as they come one by one, crankiness, unmotivated, argumentative… and a lot more will surface until we go to the bottom of the issue and what caused such in the first place.

…without desire, pain, hurt, abandonment, loss, failure, not enough, sadness, I need love, I need to feel heard and supported, I need to have fun, I need… thus you connect with your needs and how they make you feel, just like a chain as they come, and follow that rhythm, feel everything without depriving any.

After you find that place that is more liberating, meaning the true feeling after you chase your pain and feel the discomfort fully, so it can be released from your entire system.

It might take a few minutes or more each time, it might not seem easy and sometimes we have low tolerance to go all along, but, I promise there is nothing that will give you more empowerment than this practice.

Moreover, from this point when we know how it feels, why, and how we feel this way, we can move on to the next phase, which is Gratitude.

Seriously, start counting all your blessings, I am grateful for my health, for all the support that I am getting, for the universal wisdom, for my family, for my job, for my passion for writing, for my desire to succeed and to improve myself, for my house and the delicious food, for being guided every day by my spirit guides, archangels and ascended masters, for being safe and stable, and many many more…make your own list and pay attention, ironically we cannot fully feel love unless we fully recognize our suffering.

Therefore, let that amazing comfort and consolation seat on top of your firstly discovered feelings, and let it wash away, because the truth is, there is so much we Have and Are.

When we are not appreciative, we focus on what we don’t have and what we consider as not so satisfying, and those feelings are there to remind us to value and celebrate what we already Have or Are.


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