How to let go of expectations?

In this world, people want to be appreciated for a piece of bread they offer to you, and most of the times they throw it in your face, which lowers the value of the good deed in the first place, not to mention they forget the EMOTIONAL SUPPORT you have always given to them freely and many lifetimes of feeding their heart, never mind their body.

Surely enough we cannot live without food, but we cannot survive without love either, however, even if we do we will lead a miserable life, and I don’t know if it is worth it after all.

Yes, you are greatly grateful, but they don’t believe it due to their insecurities, their complex of inferiority that it is so damn rooted in their being.

Thus, it only remains for you to build a monument, a statue, and to name it after them, maybe that will warm their heart a little.

In that regard, a teacher who is the best servant of mankind knows that there is nothing more appreciative than a student who becomes the greatest version of himself and that shares his knowledge somewhere else because just like a chain of cause and effect everything is interconnected.

A good teacher allows his student to go without needing anything in return nor wanting to be validated, for he has accomplished his duty, he is never jealous or grumpy if he really understands the laws of nature.

Ironically, we expect more from those we love and they give us less, but even if they give us more, we will still want some more, it is a paradox of human nature, thus we are constantly in a loop of dissatisfaction until we finally break free from expecting.

As I am a lightworker and I aspire to be a humanitarian, I was having a wonderful time, conversing with like-minded individuals in one of the courses I took in the progress of my energy work, this is what keeps my engine moving every day!

To be quite honest those lovely participants were a bit older than me, but what made me think about life, myself, love, and human behavior, in general, was one particular question: Who is the most important person in your life?!

I mentioned one of my family members and as a second one was someone I believe I love besides my relatives.

Everyone else said, ‘Me’, I am the most important person.

We were silent for a bit, I stopped talking, I believe I might have stopped breathing for a second, and then I realized, I had taken myself for granted.

All this time I have made someone else responsible for my own happiness, someone outside of me.

I had been thinking that yes, for sure I am special, and there is no need to mention that, so Indeed I chose two other beings that within the same moment disappointed me very badly, and why?

Not because we won’t get disappointed and abandoned, unfortunately, this is part of life, but the significance and the expectations that we place towards those flawed individuals that is what really drives us crazy. We put them on a pedestal, keeping them in high regard and they fall from there, because they cannot be what we thought they are, they cannot give us what we were hoping to get, they will not change for us unless they want to do it for themselves, they can give us 1 but we are hungry, we have different needs and want 3.

I have had given my power to those who cannot whatsoever give me what I need, since I am the only one who I can give all to myself, and everyone else it is just a piece of the wholeness that already exists.

Everyone outside of us gives us only a small amount of what is required for an earthly experience, for a body/mind to be fulfilled, no one can offer us the whole package, it is beyond their capabilities.

At first, I felt disgusted and disappointed, I was in denial, I couldn’t believe myself and I was processing, contemplating over and over until deep down something came to light, I am the most important person in the whole wide world, I am accountable for my growth, self-love, nurturing, feeding and caring, no one else is, I am my own rock!

It is of utmost benefit to put myself first and to seek that all my needs be met by me deserving all that there is.

Just for life to prove me how wrong I was and for me to shift my beliefs, life challenged me, as those my “important people” in my life crushed my gullible walls and had me open my heart to see with clarity, they are not as important as I thought.

It is not their fault for they taught me a valuable lesson, people come and go, but I must remain stable with myself, I will never ever abandon myself, nor I will deceive, hurt, disappoint myself, I might criticize myself for me to become a better persona, but It is a wise choice to always love ME and look only within.

Therefore, no one will have any impact to make me feel undervalued, not loved, ignored, unworthy, not enough, they cannot, they will not, because I am the center of the entire Universe, I will make myself very happy doing what I love and channeling my energy in what I am passionate about, allowing others to offer to me what they can without pressure, and surely without anticipation.

RS ❤❤

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