How to depend on another in a healthy way?!

Depending on you!

This is mostly dedicated to all those self-sufficient and highly independent women.

I have never given myself fully to anyone, it seemed like no one was the right one and it felt like that was never the right timing.

At some point, I had to stop and look within, what was standing in my way of happiness.

Going deeper into my subconscious fears and beliefs, I had to face so much pain as it is not easy to see your soul naked, to see yourself at your most vulnerable state and powerless in some way, but so much growth and relief have come from it.

We all in some way have our own demons and emotional issues to work on, it takes lots of courage to embrace them without changing nor judging yourself, but being compassionate and understanding.

Hearing yourself and your heart within every bit, dealing with highs and lows of life at first to the extremes until you slowly get into a more balanced way of being, feeling, and thinking.

I have always aimed for independence on all levels, I have always wanted to become fully self-contained and I did not want to be helped nor receive from anyone, that would make me feel worthless because this is how all the history was linked into my brainwaves.

Depending on another such a scary notion, It felt like I would lose myself entirely and I will be put in a cage where I cannot breathe, after all that tough exterior and seeking for the impossible fear of abandonment, commitments, of not being enough, of not deserving of love, of not deserving of acquiring, being emotionally available, that nonsense came up full force when I open the door and it was so overwhelming at first, but at the same time going back it is no longer a solution, I have to do this since being in between hurts more than going in one direction.

What I have learned so far, depending on another, especially on a significant other in a healthy way will not kill me, actually will help me evolve more, being open and communicating how I feel will not lower my values, will increase it instead, asking for help will not make me seem weak, but very strong, confident and beautiful indeed, trusting others might hurt me, but for sure will open the possibilities for abundance, wellbeing,  happiness and great love, believing in the best of people will not make me gullible, it will help me trust my intuition and listening to it more, my emotional junk will not destroy me, will show me how to become responsible, mature and respect my boundaries and so many more.

Being independent is still my priority, I will always make sure that I accomplish everything I want, and even more, I will always provide and fulfill my needs and desires, I will always love and take care of myself, I will always try to make myself very happy because this is what I can greatly do for myself…

However, I also consider reconciling the differences with another, that we are not as different, that it is alright to depend on a partner, it is actually so exciting and it makes us see that love is only found in togetherness and not in separation, love and partnerships are created and function properly when there is some level of emotional connection and some attachment, otherwise it wouldn’t survive, thus, we would never be able to have long-lasting fulfilling relationships.

Besides, to be honest, it is beyond human capabilities to be and do everything on your own, we are here with others and each one has a purpose to serve us in some way.

Not to mention that being a couple requires us to give and also to get from the other, to provide, sharing responsibilities, family tasks, caring for the children and for each other when the need will be, all those are practical and very crucial points for a regular commitment.

So, don’t be afraid to let light in, meaning to allow love in, to be willing to express yourself, and what will help you so much in this journey it is exactly what you value the most, your independence, this way you will go for what is true and authentic to you and you will not settle for less, but you will also have a powerful toolbox and all the resources that lie within you.

Remember, you are never alone, although you can rely on someone else thriving as an individual within an equal, reciprocated companionship.


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