You are a divine piece of art!

I am a divine piece of art!

You are a divine piece of art!

When we are unable to see our light, when we are blindfolded by the outside world we cannot accept who we are as we are leveling in low confidence.

Not because we don’t want to be different, but because we never learned how to appreciate that part of ourselves that is hidden even from us.

All this nonsense will be manifested in two ways, on one side there are those who see everything and everyone outside of themselves as damaged, garbage, mean, bad, foolish, unworthy, due to the fact that this is how they feel about themselves…

…because everybody taught them how to defend but never how to be present within and grateful without.

Nobody told them how amazing and limitless they are, without trying to prove anything to anyone their natural wonderfulness.

On the other hand, we have those who see everything outside as better than themselves, as worthy, as loving, everything out there is deserving of all the goodness and it seems like they are not.

Unfortunately, because their confidence has been shattered when very young, they have felt unimportant, unworthy.

However, these ones are closer to discover the truth behind their seeming ignorance, since whatever they see reflected as very good outside it is indeed the indication of how they truly feel about themselves.

Although, they simply need some time to understand this truth, to see it with clarity, and to claim it.

Just like the one who is color blind for a long time, unaware of the difference until the moment when they put on the proper glasses, thus, finally realizing that the rainbow was there all along.

There is always hope, there is always beauty in and out, it is possible to be always happy and to live in wellbeing, abundance. It is our responsibility to let our light shine as we all as to approve that of others, but first we must own it and learn that we are talented and gifted in so many ways.

We only suffer when we believe those do not exist or are not within our reach, but as soon as we know that this is given to us from the very first existence, we will finally thrive and enjoy every single bit of ourselves, others, and all the Universe.


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