Love must be recaptured!

Just like everything in this life Love should be earned.

Have you ever wondered after a very long day at work when you have been crazy busy, you have almost forgotten to take care of yourself, that you deserve and need some rest?!

The best part about it is when you enjoy your meal or when you lie on your bed, there are sweet feelings accompanying you.

Like a smooth breeze you feel as though you have done something good today, you have gained the right to enjoy and be grateful for the smallest, yet, the most essential parts of your entire existence.

With that I am not referring to the fact that we must work hard to get things we are born with the absolute right to have, or that if we don’t wear ourselves off we are not worthy of it, the whole idea is that when we accomplish something with our mind, body, and soul we actually feel more alive afterward, it is a wonderful reward.

Therefore, for the sake of the Love that we want, we should put the effort into experiencing it.

You would say, but love should happen naturally, it is for free, I don’t need to do anything about it, it will either come or not.

Even though we constantly pray for Love and we are aware that along with money and fame this is one of the most important wishes human beings have ever had, no matter which era of evolution we are in.

With that being said, how many times we have taken love for granted?

We wake up every single day and we go to work at least most of us do, we take care of our everyday needs, we follow the rules and restrictions of the society, we try to do everything efficiently and on time, we become responsible for our job as we know that if we don’t, well…we will not get paid.

However, when it comes to Love and loving another we have aborted many times, since no one wants to go the extra mile, people want to relax when it comes to it.

Truth is, nothing can exist by itself, you need to fuel it with passion, care, attention, time, energy, compliments, gifts, memories, support…

Think of a flower, if you don’t water it and store it in the best place in your room for proper ventilation it will not survive.

How can I sleep at night and make love to someone who was distant all day from me, I just need some reminders and to keep preparing for the fire until it slowly burns the flames into deliberation.

Love is high maintenance, needs to breathe but it is the most luxurious thing that will ever happen to us.

Although sadly we treat it as easy come, easy go like we are entitled for love and relationships, that’s the reason why we lose sight and faith, we don’t believe it is worth it if we have to keep it together, but it really is, we have to ignite it time after time, it will always be meaningful and purposeful.


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