The world is in demand for Witches!

There is a cynical association with the word Witch, as it is someone forbidden for humanity, but not if they use their magic to save us from the lower frequencies.

What does a witch really do?
She makes sure to get what she wants or to give someone else such in return to some monetary values, and at times because she has the ability and the calling to do so.

She holds some unseen, unexplained power, surely she may use it for bad, but she may also use it for a higher purpose.

This chaotic world in which we are living, when love, understanding, and compassion are a lost cause, is in desperate need of modern witches, to care, nurture, motivate and empower us!

Why we believe what a witch does is prohibited when we are very familiar with humans who mistreat other humans, those who lie, betray, who place societies in danger healthy wise and economically, those who kill emotionally and physically innocent people, when we see how much we have burned ourselves and we are turned into beasts without mercy for another.

Why is a witch such a negative person, because she has more knowledge than the rest does because she knows and lives in peace within two worlds, what is light without darkness, how can we understand one without the existence of the other?!

The world is crying out for witches, more than ever before, those who are well versed with a great vision of the past and the future, those who recognize the heights, the lows, and the dimensions of all that exists.

Witches are a requisite for our Universe in order to light candles for the dead souls who wonder and pretend they are still alive, but we need those witches who are very knowledgeable, whose left and right side of the brain are infused together, whose imagination is beyond human consciousness and whose hearts are bigger than the smallest planet.

We let aside our condition preconceptions of how ancient and foolish or dangerous and creepy witches are and once again we reclaim their position and pray for them to gather around to make the earth a better place.

Lightworkers, energy healers, high priestess, yogis, gurus, spiritual teachers, those are the witches of the future and they have the ability to make the necessary changes, to bring transformation, peace, and harmony to humankind.


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