How do I know my relationship is authentic?

In a genuine partnership, everything multiplies, love, abundance, prosperity, joy, happiness, success. Misery happens otherwise…

When we fall in love our body produces oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin, the so-called happy hormones.

When in love, our heart chakra opens, our horizon expands, making anything possible.

Isn’t it amazing how it all happens and how we react?

When we fall in love, we feel right, as though we belong, the happiness we feel inside it is easily manifested in the outside world, usually more money, abundance, and wellbeing.

We are healthier, inspired, we laugh more, we make others feel good in our presence too, our life gets a turn for the best in all directions.

Every single area of our life improves and upgrades, we attract love, understanding, and everything that is a product of goodness it is very appealing…

As if this state lasts forever…

Truth is we surrender and there is less resistance, we become less inclined towards reason, our logic, and more in tune with the beats of our hearts, therefore we spread what we are experiencing within, generosity.

The best part is when both partners are in the same vibration with one another, they elevate each other and they become a light, a source of beautiful energy and joy, that’s why everything around them amplifies.

On the other hand, when a partnership is built on other reasons rather than love, let’s say superficial pleasures or sexual attraction, our bodies become less balanced, we are unstable in all fields of our life, we feel as though something is wrong, yet we cannot put the finger on what it is.

We are easily distracted, less preoccupied with the material world or we retreat from our emotional side, we escape further away in our brain, constantly trying to fix problems that arise and we even create some when there is none.

We experience losses, troubles, never-ending arguments like we are confined in a box and we are unable to release ourselves from there.

All this because we haven’t chosen kindness, genuine love, sometimes due to the fact that we don’t know what that is, it is not in our DNA, or we are deeply scared of being happy and we don’t believe such may happen to us.

Thus, we self-sabotage and we make the wrong decisions based on our mindset, on our limited agenda rather than trusting our intuition.

Although all is not lost, we cannot redo our life decisions, but we can certainly make better ones in the future, each time we go a little bit beyond our patterns, each time we appreciate the small things, each time we are grateful for what we are and what we have accomplished, each time we focus on being loving versus materialistic.

Relationships are a reflection of our inner world, if we are struggling we are not nurturing ourselves enough if we are thriving then we are in alignment with our souls’ purpose.

That’s also true about the relationship that we have with ourselves, are we grounded, focused, centered, fearless, free of conditions, or are we in negative thinking mode, chaotic and unsettled?

Are you content where you are at or is there something missing, something you would like to change?

Questioning helps us resolve any conflict, between our mind and heart, our desires and what we deserve, gives us a higher level of understanding, helps us to see the bigger picture, so never be afraid of the answers, they will only save you from you.

With that being said, I am not indicating that all is under your control and that you don’t love yourself, but when you take accountability for your actions and your behavior you will learn that you have more say in whatever is going on in your life, more than you actually ponder.


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