How to stop loving someone?!

One of the hardest lessons I am still trying to master is letting go of why and how things happen in a certain way.

Growing to understand that there are many things that we can figure out through facts, however, there is plenty that is quite impossible for the limited human brain to grasp, and to keep ourselves sane we need to trust our intuition.

The real battle between the heart and the mind, the right and wrong, left or right decision, has tortured us throughout many incarnations.

What we need does not match with what we want, and so on the struggle goes on.

You think you are crazy, not good enough, not deserving or simply not worthy, and everyone else will say, to not try so hard, everyone will say give it up, look for someone else, forget about it.

Ironically, this will hurt even more, because love does not have a button, at times the more you try to push it away, the more it grows and it turns into an obsession.

Rest assured, you are not a freak, you are gorgeous, you are special, but there is some multidimensional purpose why you are who you are, so don’t lose hope but look out for the peace within instead.

How to forget about someone you love?

The truth is you want to forget about that person because they are not in your life any longer, they do not want to be in your life, they are giving someplace else, they are not good for you, they are toxic, they are not your ideal partner and nor a good parent for your kids, at least not right now, you may need things they are incapable of giving it to you… and the list goes on.

How do you forget someone you love?!

You hate the idea of loving the one who is not showing up for you, you hate the idea of being stuck in a dead-end situation and you consider yourself stupid many times, insane for loving a myth, for loving a fantasy, you feel disgusted by their behavior and at times for being disrespected by them, yet, you cannot help yourself but loving them.

I know it is hard, it is the longest war of heart and mind, but you love and by loving means you are alive, means you are lovable, just because the other is unable or unwilling to feel such in return you should not stop loving them.

You must not repress nor regret this wonderful feeling, it may take you some time to go and find someone who gives you what you need, you will slowly move your energy from them but you will never stop loving them, and you shouldn’t. Not because they deserve it but because of the transformative intensity you carry inside.

You shouldn’t feel bad either for loving someone who may not even be available to you, someone who is experiencing and expressing themselves in another form, in another lifestyle with another human being.

Don’t punish yourself for loving even if it is not returned or recognized, even if it is not welcomed or received, you keep loving, it means you know how to love, others, and yourself, you know what love is.

Do not feel ashamed because you are having loving emotions, embrace them anyways, even if it is not appreciated, accept the love and empathy that is meant to empower you, to show you how caring and amazing you are.

You will think but I want to move forward and beyond this unrequited, unreasonable misery,
and you believe this is some kind of curse, but it is not if you are patient enough to see behind all this.

You will realize that everything has to do with you and with who you are, very little indeed with the other since everyone is just a different aspect of you.

You will definitely move on only when you let go of the idea of blocking this love out and with the awareness of taking it all in.

How to stop loving someone, very simple, do not, keep loving, keep the fire high and yourself in even higher regard, don’t you understand how bright you are.

Just caress the passion and detach from the person, the specific body, because somewhere, somehow the love that you cherish will always manifest for you even better than you ever expected or imagined because you kept the lightning on and the show of love must always go on!


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