The intertwined ones!

In my ideal world, I respect you and give you what is yours, and you respect me and give me what is mine.

On the other hand in the same ideal world, we are also undeniably black & white, good & bad, yin & yang.

When someone is dishonest and deceiving, and we hate them deeply, at some level we are the same, and if the other side of them is colorful, extraordinary, loving, we can still relate.

Then, in this reality, we meet those who are beyond this interpretation.
The intertwined ones!

How many times have you found yourself in a situation when you have to fight dearly for what belongs to you?

Often, it is pure and simple logic, it is handed to you by all the rights of the Universe and society in that regard.

However, you still have to make your way through, to threaten, to manipulate energy, to convince, to chase, to bend, to beg for, getting what’s yours.

You might feel vulnerable, exhausted, humiliated, powerless, and pretty much fed up.

Your strength is being tested, you are required to deal with mundane circumstances and with underdeveloped people because no matter how perfect you tend to be, others will not meet you fully not even halfway for that matter, sometimes consciously and at other times unconsciously.

This is a real struggle when your soul is born, shaped, and constructed in dignity, truthfulness, responsibility, righteousness, fairness, you consider those as natural, they come easy to you, and you expect such from all around you.

Unfortunately, that hasn’t been the case so far…

They say you see projected outward what you feel inside, although, there is no real substance in this scenario, some people are meant to walk soberly in the midst of drunkenness.

At first, it is excruciatingly painful unless you learn how to harness it, thus following a path of illumination at your own pace, pursuing the beats of your own drum, making room for your purpose, being open to all the differences, allowing others to learn from their own mistakes and experiences.

Mostly we can educate others when we lead by example not by teaching them and telling what is right or wrong, what is our truth it is not theirs, and vice-versa.

Sometimes our decisions will hurt us or others in some way, but that’s something we cannot really control.

On earth, pain brings more wisdom than happiness.

To simplify it, make your damn decisions, choose your direction no matter the consequences or what others want you to do or think, this is your life, not theirs, continuously work on yourself, spiritually, physically, emotionally, and financially. (One or two might need more focus, you know what is what).

Investigate, question, and inform yourself, expand your knowledge, when you do so, the entire Planet will support you.

Ground yourself and try to remain calm and balanced even in the hardest circumstances and when dealing with difficult human beings, I know it sounds rather easy to say it than do it but discipline will help you achieve everything you set your mind to.

Grow stronger each day, put extra effort into the areas you face challenges the most.

Keep moving forward and fuel yourself with positive thoughts. Fake it until you make it, commit to it.

Most importantly, love, love, love, trust and forgive yourself, a new way will be introduced to you. (This one seems a piece of cake, but life has proven that this one is the hardest lesson to be learned).

Accepting that you are the “One and Only”, of your kind, you will always be no matter how much you try to feel included or excluded, you will still be a rose among tulips.

Truth is, your journey may seem uneasy because you are supposed to observe and live life from another angle.

You may actually feel as though you are all alone, and that you have come here to survive or hide, but you may choose to understand life from a higher perspective, that you are indeed a rare flower, extraordinary, only then everyone can see your magical uniqueness.

In the end, whatever the case, nothing and no one can deem your light, they will only polish your glow brighter and brighter.

Ironically, even if they try to destroy you or uplift you, they will contribute to your authentic making.

Distinguished you will remain the truest heart alive until the end of all times, so, do believe you are divinely guided and protected somehow.

RS ❤❤

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