Love in the brain or in separation?

Unfortunately, I have been on hold for people who were never worthy of my feelings.

However, I do not blame them, I take responsibility for the choice that I had made because I used to believe that love is hard and quite impossible.

I am grateful for what I have learned on my own as my caretakers, so-called lovers, school, and or society failed to do so.

Again, just acknowledging a fact, as I am an adult and I take full competence for my own wellbeing.

However, I strongly believe that love and even the most meaningful, or meaningless relationships are not supposed to hurt us nor give us heartache, if they do, they are simply not good and we have to trust in the process of letting go.

I had also collected information as to how true love, soulmates, and twin flames have always been a difficult journey because they are meant to teach us valuable stuff. Pfff…

Oh my, I cannot believe how sucked in I have been for so long into considering this information to be true.

This is what I truly understand now, love is free & easy, nothing to be afraid of, and yes relationships require work but are not impossible, are not against you, or make you wait for years and in most cases never bloom.

Truth is, not everyone will be around for the long haul with us, some cover one sentence, some just one paragraph, others a chapter, and a few the rest of your book. 

If it does not work, there is a reason, it is not for you, and no amount of waiting, longing, desiring, hoping, or lighting candles can fix that, why trying to fit in where you are supposed to shine someplace else.

Love is adorable and fun, relationships are very light, they come naturally, instinctively, with the right person, otherwise, move on and look for what you deserve.

The lies that we are told, love is not safe, love brings pain, love does not exist, we never marry the one we love, love is what I cannot have, love disrespects me, love chooses always someone else, your soulmate is here to teach you lessons, your twin flame hurts you to pieces (how can that be love), love is not real, love is less important than material stuff, even though someone loves you deeply they cannot be with you due to xxxx reasons, love is passionate, love is overgiving, love is unavailable, your person loves you but he is afraid (hello…wake up), fear and love don’t mesh well together…

Listen to the voice in your head and try to find out what has contributed to these beliefs, is any of them resonating with you or has been manifested in your life somehow?

None of the above is love by the way, but you have to come to some acceptance and for that, you might need to try some deep, perhaps intense pain, unless you know better. (Good information and being shown love as children can help us see the whole World differently).

You must know, love should match up with your expectations.
Should you let go of them, not necessarily, even if they are completely unrealistic you have to believe that there is at least one human being who will resonate with you and all the package you have to offer, it does not matter how damaged, dreamer, superficial, rigid or whatever your beliefs are.

Love is a perfect match of your expectations, it should show up in your life, support you, listen to you, understand you, embrace all of you, accepts you with all your flaws and strengths, love, loves you especially when you are hard to be loved and in the worst of your outbursts…should you want it to.

The majority of people suffer and long for those who are not present in their life, and they call such love, but that is just love in the brain, if that someone is not responding to you physically, no matter how great of a couple you might seem to be energetically, that is not love, it will never be, it is an illusion.

Let that fantasy be for when you pass away and when you go to the source, divine, heaven, 5D, or whatever you call it, but until then you have got to understand that love is on board with you, full time and it makes you feel good about yourself. Love is real, you can touch it with your hand.

Love is equal give and take, is fully engaged with you, love does not ignore you, does not choose money, or other people over you, and no matter how much you believe that is love, it isn’t.

Don’t be fooled, wait for no one to return. Be grateful it is over, be ready for what is coming and it is in your highest good.

If someone is not in your life for whatever reasons, even if they believe that they are stuck and cannot leave a situation but they love you, do not be a victim, a dormant.

Love is action and togetherness, everything else is garbage.

So, do you want to be in this state of agony, in a platonic, unfulfilling, unreal, unhealthy relationship or do you think you have all the right to have the real deal, the one that stands by you and chooses you over and over, most importantly it is not afraid of giving it all.

Love does not make you defend yourself all the time, you don’t feel contracted and or constipated, “putting gloves” on when speaking otherwise, the other person will be offended and abandon you, love does not control you, but pushes you to become the best.

Love brings more freedom and joy to be with someone, love makes you be more creative and positive, love makes you express yourself freely not like you are in detention.

Love gives up everything, especially societal rules.

If the one you think you love is making you not trust them, not even yourself when you are around them, actually instead of loving yourself, you detest it, in worst cases, you even feel disgusted, lifeless. That is love in your brain!

Love, that even after years that you have managed to keep it alive with those who are completely guarded, in the fence, untrustworthy and keep you at bay, blame you for their mistakes it is not the love you need, it is time to say goodbye. No more!

Love makes you be a better person not only for yourself but even for others.

Some “Loves” just do not have that ability, the only thing they offer is a headache and making you feel paranoid, keeping an eye for the other shoe to drop.

Therefore, tell me is your love, love in the brain, or are you just in separation for who knows how many months or years?

Are people telling you to be patient even after all the time that has passed for someone to man up, or are people telling you to lower your expectations in order to be with someone and not alone? Better alone, thank you!

You will have what you desire the most even if that sounds utterly brainless to everyone else, do not lower, but raise your vibration and your expectations, that another crazy one, your lid to your pot is on the way, just patiently waiting for you to be ready, to let go and take in the love that you so much are entitled to.

If I am not loved, heard, adored, desired, supported, respected, uplifted, trusted, if I don’t have my perfect match in all levels, (physically, emotionally, sexually, and financially) then I have never met my love.

If I feel misunderstood, unloved, continuously having boundaries and walls up, losing myself, that is not what I need.

So, I am willing to wait, as I know my worth and I know that my person is out there, until then I refuse to engage in anything less than that.

Mine was love in the brain, I was in love with the idea of what could have been, and it took me a while to see it for what it really was, I feel sorry for every second I wasted in it, but now I know better.

Good luck!


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