What is energy on a pragmatic sense?
I am highly spiritual and when people want to introduce me someone who is well off but has absolutely no shared vision or views with me, I politely say I am not interested.
Obviously, their reply is based on their reality and they say, -“Why do you care, they are loaded”. Oh, but I do care and not at all for their possessions, unless they are a combination of common values, and certainly mutual love.
With that being said it is not that I am not practical, but that is not what really moves me.
So, back to our topic…
When we talk about energy we believe that it is either good or bad, that if we have negative energy we are damaged and maybe we are not good enough, we cannot have nor deserve abundance in our lives.
While it is true that prosperity is connected with being centered, it is also not a pure indicator of our worth, never mind our souls frequency.
There are people who have very high vibration and lead simple lives with only the necessary stuff.
Even though they are spiritually evolved, and maybe not so grounded in the physical world or interested in the tangible.
Our lives are different because our soul requires a new possible experience every time it comes here, because earth is a school of learning and it is not only fun and play.
We are not going to be having it smooth and easy each time we reincarnate, sometimes we will struggle more, other times we won’t, and sometimes we will also have the chance to have a little bit of both sides of the coin within one life. We can go from rags to riches, from having high vibration to low and vice-versa.
As I mentioned it above, it is all about gaining knowledge and wisdom, as well as learning how to skilfully manipulate energy in getting what we desire, or learning how to let go when we are too uptight.
Being rich, famous or beautiful does not guarantee that you have a positive vibration, you might as well be a very bad person with an extremely negative vibe while enjoying all the goodness of life.
And you might be completely pure, very much connected to the light, who haven’t found your footing in picturing your life purpose, until you do…
Furthermore, one can be a great human being and have low vibration due to the lifestyle and the upbringing, unless one heals and transforms himself into his natural version, blissful and divine and may turn things around. Again, evolving spiritually may be our focal point, that may be our sole mission, more so than thriving with money.
Don’t be fooled by where you stand right now. Everything can change and shift within seconds.
Especially and usually those who have negative energy, are also blessed with wealth & success and will not look to improve themselves, or leveling up spiritually, they believe they are awesome.
If you are soul searching and reflecting on your life and what you are doing wrong, if you are doing all the work and although in a good place spiritually, but you haven’t seen material results just yet, I know it feels as bad luck, frustration, but it isn’t.
The truth is, you have chosen these difficulties, delays, restrictions and painful experiences that affected you energy from high to low and you may had to go side ways, one step forward and two back, you work double harder and get very little. I know how you feel…
Don’t fret in judgment, you are doing the best you can and you are evolving way more than you can measure in this reality, so your time will come very soon and you will know the value of everything you couldn’t have even more so because it took you so much to get there.
What if you don’t get what you want?
Then you will focus on what you need, on what you already have, be grateful and start from there, but that has nothing to do with you having negative energy.
On the other hand, positive energy does not necessarily mean great achievements.
That may be very much so translated into enlightenment, when there is no need for material wealth, or earthly pleasures because being conscious is the only richness you will enjoy.
Thus, clean yourself up (your aura, your energy field) as much as you can, relax, be patient and wait for your ships to come, also who knows maybe one day your story will be an inspiration or very helpful information for someone outthere.
Just to be clear your TIME will come, maybe not when and how you expected it, but it will.