How should we treat our children?

Children around 3-4 years of age practice saying NO often and for almost anything, as a mean to test you if you will still accept them, also to learn independence.

They teach us a lot…they show us the way… they heal the forgotten parts in us.

If you get frustrated by their response, you may have probably had a painful experience with your caregivers while you where going through that phase.

If you laugh it out and see it as a normal process in their growth, you may have had a better exposure or at the very least you have some kind of knowledge in child development.

Knowing can ease our responses or make us reactive.

We say children are very important, as a way of saying that we need to emphasize treating them right.

The truth is that every human being is important and children are already involved in that category. We should always treat them right, and from the get go.

Most importantly, we need to pay extra attention and show care during childhood years as that shapes up individuals.


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