How do I start loving myself?!

As easy as it seems, it is actually the most important, yet it requires lots of work to be in a state of truly loving and accepting yourself!

It is a challenge we face every day, each time we choose another over our-self trying to please, each day we are presented with Me or You, and we unconsciously repress our true self just to make happy someone else!

Think about it how many times we say yes, even when our heart is crying no?! Each time that happens, we deny a bit from our authenticity, and it takes guts to change the ingrained behavior! 

We think we love our-self, but we forget how many times we criticize or call our-self, loser, stupid, idiot, failure, ignorant, how many times we go in front of the mirror and we focus on the pimples or what we do not like, how many times throughout the day we forget to say something nice to our-self, how many times we forget to cherish and to nourish our mind, our body, how much do we read, how much do we laugh, how nice are we with our ourself?!

Everything is connected like a chain, we believe that we are good in one area and we suck in another, I hear people say I only over-think for work, nothing else bothers me. Let me tell you something if you are an over-thinker, that is the way your brain works in all areas, your brain cannot pick and choose, you do, but you have got to be aware of it, and open to exploring your thoughts, your emotions without being swallowed by them. 

Let’s say you say to yourself daily: “I am bad at relationships”, now that is not the truth, but the more you keep on repeating it the more you will believe it, and the more you will get such as a result.  Your thinking translates into a prayer for the Universe, he diligently like a magician perceives what you focus on and makes sure to help you create what are you wishing!

So many out there have no idea that they are doing this all the time, and then they blame outside forces, instead of preventing themselves from holding that belief, instead you should say, I have had enough from that lesson, now I realize that I would like to try something new,  I would really like to believe that: “I am great with my relationships” If you say that for 2 days, all will shift. 

Where to start?

Start with affirmations: Wake up in the morning and say to yourself, I am beautiful in all ways, I am healthy in all ways, I am smart in all ways, I accept myself as I am, I am wellbeing and my life is aligned with my true desires!

Get moving!

Make love, listen to music and dance, go to the gym, walk, take brakes every half an hour. Our body is made to be active not for a sedentary life, so do your best even if you think you have no other choice because you are stuck after a desk. (Go wash your hands in the washroom).


Breathe and often throughout the day, remind yourself and take some deep breaths at least 3-4 times a day. Even if you are angry or upset, it will change your state of mind, the brain needs oxygen and when we breathe the stagnant energy gets moving as well as thought pattern gets revealed for to be dissipated.

Pray, meditate!

Pray, Meditate, have Reiki, do Yoga, take a nap for at least 10 min, make it a habit until it becomes an everyday lifestyle, and you cannot live without it. 


Read romance, read self-healing books, read spiritual books, read books that help you to connect with your heart, not books that are on trend that do not resonate with you at all!

Be creative!

I am pretty sure you have a talent when you do all the above, your mind will be more relaxed, your body as well, and as a result, there will be more space in your mental drawers for fun, for creativity, which you will slowly discover and you will love it.  I love fashion and taking care of hair, (I cut my niece’s bangs 😊),  I have not been studying for a hairdresser at all, I do not aim to become one, it just comes naturally, probably it is a hobby in this lifetime that I have been practicing and I have brought from past lifetimes. Who knows?!

I have been good with writing since I was in high school, but I was lacking confidence and I was to concern with other “stuff”, so I kind of put it aside for a long time, until lately. Now, I know it is something worth waking up for in the morning, and I am simply in love, it gives me so much pleasure! Guess what I keep on practicing it, and each day that goes by it comes easier to put thoughts together! Find your passion and go for it, you will be surprised and supported!

Spend time alone!

I mean it, stay by yourself as much as you can! As an intuitive-empath it becomes overwhelming for me being around people all the time, I need space to recharge my batteries. All of us pick up on energies in their surrounding, and at times we don’t know why we are so tired or drained, because we have gotten so much, we need to transmute it. Instead of being miserable and giving it to others, stay in your own bubble, retreat, relax, and then go live your life feeling fresh!
Lastly, practice, practice, practice, I promise your life will change drastically!
Raise your vibration! ❤❤

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