How do I know it is true love?

During our incarnations we meet many souls, we all love one another, despite how it looks like on an earthly level, spiritually we are all connected and we have to interact so we learn, expand and mature. We might as well have karma that needs to be cleared out for that reason at times it feels like meeting same energy time after time until we finally get worn out or we outgrow that lesson and we come here to experience another one since the progress is infinite never-ending education! 

In my everyday conversations, because I have always had this understanding to understand others on an emotional level, and I am also blessed with the ability to communicate what they need to hear at a specific moment, it is like I get channeled very easily with their higher self and I let them know what they have to learn if they are open to. 

We do not get any extra message unless we are ready for it, our spirit guides are divine masters, they do not make mistakes, humans, and spirits that are in a process of development do.  Sometimes we have better relationships, sometimes not so good ones, at times we need to learn how to be by our-self, life is like attending the school and learning different subjects. 

I usually hear people say, I do not know what I want, I do not know who I like more, I have to compromise because love does not exist, I will not compromise and they decide to live all their life alone, I don’t know if I like tall, blonde, curly or chubby, I do not know if I will ever find someone that I will love, I always fall in and out of love, there are so many options, do not know which way should I go, smart and beautiful never come together and so on…     

This is an everyday topic, they stop for a while when they are in a relationship with someone, after the first lovely stages of infatuation… boom questions again, disappointment, not knowing if they should stay or go and look if there is something better out there.

It is all part of the life, it is totally fine, it does not matter in which phase you are, we are all going to go where we are destined, do not feel trapped nor sad, it is also awesome that you are making questions, and you are doubting life, your choices, your desires, this is how all starts, through searching we find what we are looking for, at least we are not stagnant, or at the same classroom over and over.

I strongly believe that there is only one love for you, you are not mad nor stupid for being out and about wishing for something greater, you do not have unrealistic expectations, keep on looking until you finally understand where your heart stands.

I would only say that love is after the curtain, it feels so hard to be so disconnected from your true self, from your true love, but it is there in front of you, it has been there all the time.

You know you have found true love when you stop searching for it, it will either be INSIDE of you, or it will be in the form of your counterpart, which is another human being, another divine spirit looking for you as much as you have been looking for them. 
They will show you the way how to go within and then how to coexist with them.

You will know you have met them when you have no more curiosity to look for someone else, to get to know another one, to learn more, to have other experiences, or to feel like there is something better where you are not participating, nope, you know deep down in your heart who that person is and you do not need any confirmation nor approval, because you will have that revelation from the divine every single moment.              Sometimes we will miss on opportunities, but we will never miss out on this one!

Lastly, love is a marriage with your spirit, your relationship with God/ Universe, 2 hearts that become one without any doubt!

We have different timing but do not despair if you feel like searching, go for it, you will know when to stop, and only then you will truly experience it!  Mantra: I am one with God, I am one with my true potential, I am one with my true love!  Love yourself thoroughly!❤❤

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