Establishing boundaries!

Have you ever been included in a situation that was very messy, just for you to get out from there pretty hurt, and when you realize you were causing all that to yourself even though at first we tend to blame others?!

When we do not set boundaries we get hurt, we get very hurt in the process, because we go after what we should not, we fall for those that have no intention to be there for us, we put people on a pedestal and we put ourself down, searching to get loved from all the wrong places, we are chasing and we are putting ourself in those negative circumstances, we become addicted to suffering and pain that much that we lose our ability to listen to our needs, to our intuition. It is alright if you find yourself there, you can get out anytime, you only need to step back and analyze, you need to detach from your emotions and seat with yourself, you need to be objective and to seek for help if necessary. You are here to love and be loved, and if you are struggling to do so it is not your fault, but definitely, it is your responsibility as an adult to take care of yourself and to place yourself in the light!

We forget that by blaming another we give all our power away like we are victims and cannot decide for ourself. When we have unclear or lack boundaries we get involved with those who break them very easily, well in the end you allowed to be in such situation, the other is just responding to your self worth, not because you are not worth it but because you are holding yourself low, the other is just keeping a mirror in front of you so every thought pattern is being projected outside and reflected back at you! You are your own worst enemy and your best friend, every single moment you decide which one you wanna be, for your own sanity of course! Do you understand, the other is your wish fulfillment even though you deep down desire something else, but your fears are becoming your source of attraction, you are writing your destiny with your head down and your feet up…

When you start seeing things differently and you realize that you are the main actor in your own movie, that you are in control, you will shift your perspective and all the world around you will change as well as the protagonists you will interact with.

You are in charge, no one can do anything to you if you do not allow them, if you know your value, so now nurture your heart, tame your soul and forgive the past, let your inner child to cry, allow him to express himself to the fullest, embrace what you are completely, with good and bad, white and black, be there for yourself emotionally just like no one has ever been for you, recognize your vibration, your worth, accept nothing but love and care, but first you have to be aware of your own doing, only then you will be able to strengthen a muscle in your brain and you will no longer be reactive, you will be proactive and your true empowerment will take place! You are a “tabula rasa”, you write down what you want to experience and you mean it. So be it!

Here are some boundaries that will help:

  • Do not talk much, be mindful
  • Listen, listen, deep listening
  • Do not text anyone first, unless necessary
  • Answer only to the questions, shortly
  • Do not take things personally
  • Do not engage in drama, in any way, shape or form
  • Stay in your power
  • Vibrate love, no matter what
  • Do not give your power away
  • Look for actions, do not fall for manipulation
  • Ask all the questions you need to know
  • Do not invite first, not even your siblings
  • Do not go after anyone, who want’s to be with you will show up effortlessly
  • Let them come towards you, let love in
  • Be playful, but do not give yourself away, keep your ground
  • Keep yourself busy, you have a life, you have a purpose
  • You deserve full love, attention, and respect
  • You are the only one, do not be the second choice, never ever
  • You are Unique, so are others
  • Do not break your boundaries, respect those of others
  • Slow and steady, no need to rush
  • Step back, take control no matter how you feel about the other or situation
  • Shield yourself
  • Raise your vibration higher and higher
  • Align with you! ❤❤ Happy full Moon in Capricorn!

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