How to talk to your child?

It is Lion’s Gate time, manifest goodness during those days as miracles can happen. 

They are kids, they do not understand”. This is a sentence I hear time after time and it bothers me! 

We keep on repeating the same mistakes, we treat them like they are not knowing and we believe that when they will grow older they will learn.

We keep secrets from them, we ignore them, we make fun with their interrogation, we laugh with their so-called little problems. 

We forget that they know way more than us, they indeed know all the secrets of the universe, they have been visiting and living on earth who knows for how many lifetimes, they know way more than we can imagine, but we are blind and we disrespect them, we do not give answer to their millions of questions, we call such a children curiosity.

When we talk with a child we do not pay full attention to what they are trying to say, because we are to busy with our adulthood, we are to busy playing games as when we were children we have been treated and ridiculed with the same degree. 

We are the ones who do not understand that children do know, they are pretty smart, this is their time to create their inner core, thus their inner child gets wounded easily,  this is the time they look for the paternal image so they can learn how to relate when they grow up. 

Childhood is very important and we should be very careful to listen to our children with full awareness as they deep down know if you are fooling them when you fake it that you are listening, but you are on your phone navigating on social media, they feel it when you are not paying attention to them as their brain and their logical part is now just being formed, but they are gifted with a great intuition. 

Not all the children will become important or they will have a greater impact and purpose when they grow older, but for sure all of them are here to make lots of examinations and they need to get real dedicated replies.

Do not shut their mind because you feel overwhelmed and tired, please think wholeheartedly as you are the one who is contributing in their future.

Some children have more inquiries and they are not to be taken for granted, but to be honored and encouraged as they hold the cure for the pain and suffering. 

Their intelligence is way beyond what we have been used so far as they have been here before many many times, and they are coming now to raise the vibration on earth, they have a wonderful vision and their voice holds necessary information.

I was amazed by my lovely 7-year-old niece, I have always known how smart she is and she keeps on shocking each time we have a conversation, she has definitely an exciting purpose. “She told me that when I will grow up no one will be here with me as you are older then me and I don’t like that”. Oh… 

Moreover, she reminded me of myself when I was a little child of 4 years old I used to ask my mother: -Why do we die? -Where do we go where we die? -What happens when we are in the grave?!

…poor woman she did not know how to explain that to me, as well as she thought that this conversation should be avoided as I am to young to discuss certain things, especially things such as death when people still are terrified of talking about it. 

From that time on, I went on my mission and I am still trying to figure things out on my own, because my questions could not get an answer so I am completely a self taught individual, always been someone who loves to spend time alone and comparing to others, not scared of death nor being by myself, never mind tread where Angel’s refuse to go!

Listen to your children just like you would like them to be treated, with compassion, respect and dignity, by you and everyone else now and definitely when they grow up. Show them how important they are by your example! Raise your vibration higher each time! ❤❤

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