Healers are wounded, survivors!

She used to believe that healers are gifted by the universe with this ability to help others. She would also believe that they are powerful and that nothing bad can ever happen to them, from a human perspective with a lively imagination she thought they are kind of superhuman, and that they never suffer, because who has the ability to heal another must in all ways possible be safe from the conditions of the physical world.

A few years ago she started meditating here and there, just to prove that meditation or anything similar has no effect nor importance in the way we are determined to be.

She always has been in search of something higher that would give meaning to her entire meaningless life experience.

From the very beginning, she was always pushed to bend to the mystery and to accept her magical powers, that the bigger force she was looking so desperately to find out there was calling her from within.

She had to collide and to face disappointment until she could not breathe in the same skeptical ways, she had to submit to her own frenemy, her mind.

Even though she thought that all her empowerment comes from a disconnected self in order for her to give an explanation to everything she thought was aware of…

Truth is, she was pretty much more than everyone around, that was her breaking point, she felt alone and never understood, she was a stranger, or she was special, it does not really matter, because she was unhappy and that was something that her lovely mind could not help with an explanation.

Therefore, she gave up, and she sat there in silence, to her wonder, within few minutes her spirit guides connected with her and the first thing they could ever say and that she would never expect was: You are a healer!.

She was really upset, she thought probably she was going crazy so, she ignored the signs, just like all those who are encouraged to go in a certain direction because that is their path, but they refuse it out of the fear of the obscurity.

Ironically, those who are not meant nor pushed to embrace some qualities chase that way without resistance, while those who are supposed to pursue such purpose are more reluctant, perhaps because they know the responsibility that comes with their deeds.

Being a healer it is a blessing, although it takes lots of courage, practice, illumination, acceptance, and consciousness, it is not an easy task when you perceive what is right and what is not, simply the more you understand, the more cautious and devoted you tend to become.

She went once again discovering life on her own, with whatever she knew was the truth and she got injured again and again.

She was obliged to follow her heart, not only her knowledge, but she had to repeat patterns until she discovered that she was going the wrong course of action all that time.

Moreover, she had no more vigor to resist, she was extremely concerned with her resources, she was left empty and hurt, she had no more fuel to go out there and to mingle, to compromise, nor fit in, pretend, or smile, she decided to disappear, and to self medicate, to finally ask for assistance.

Here she was again, back to the starting point, the first teacher and healer she met told her the same thing she had been denying all along: “You are a healer”, and even though she kind of knew, she still was shocked.

She had a feeling something was off with her, she just did not know what that was until that moment, and then she started standing still more often until that became her way of living.

She was introduced to live that life, she appreciated and approached her healing abilities with curiosity and openness, although she was more than ever in the realization of her potential, she was extra careful to be a vessel of the divinely guided powers.

Knowledge without intuition it is like a body without heart, it is like a lifeless spirit, we need them both in order for us to be fulfilled and whole.

Healers are wounded survivors, unfortunately, they are expected to suffer humanities limitations firstly because they are brave spirits that have chosen this track to show the world and those who are in pain that by the end of whatever times there is a delightful hope inside of you.

You have to touch it and let that guide you, don’t push it away and do not try so hard to escape from it otherwise, you will only meet with the illusion of the torment, that is nothing but your own vibrational creation, and that you have the possibility to transform it.

Therefore, be your own inspiration, be your own liberation, be the blaze of your destination. Mend yourselves and others!

Raise your vibration! ❤❤

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