Hello, limbo!

According to studies, our frontal lobe of the brain is responsible for decision making.

Spiritually speaking, our third eye or our awareness is being blurred and we are not able to see clearly, to make the right move.

When we are in an “in-between” state we suffer greatly, and we manifest neglectfully things we don’t really want, yet, we think it is better in the comfort zone.

Taking a decision it requires us to use our logical skills, to trust our intuition, and to believe in ourselves.
Some of us are blessed with this ability, unfortunately, most of us, swing from impulsiveness into procrastination.

Therefore, life becomes a living hell each time we have to choose, which direction, which projects, friend, partner, should I go left or right?

Endlessly we weigh pros and cons and we only focus on the material, on our bodily explanations, we want facts and time to decide, or we just decide without thinking of the consequences.

On the other hand, we have forgotten our sixth sense, everything seems blurry on that side, unknown, unfamiliar, scary.

When we are in limbo we can cause stagnation of the energy and we do not let life flow effortlessly.

We keep on controlling the course of our actions, we become a whirlwind of indecisiveness, we get sucked in a drop of water, we might even face accidents, sudden changes, spiritual shocks, Universe and others will define our destination.

Limbo, it is when we stay in the middle because it feels safe, because we think with time things will get resolved by itself, it indicates how little we believe in ourselves, how less self-confident we are, how we have never been able to own our decisions because someone else has made those for us.

Our voice has not been heard, because others have disapproved of our opinions, because we have never been taken seriously and we have struggled to make it through life, to give way to maturity, instead we are frightened by life and crossroads since we have never mastered decision making.

Although we have to know that is it is fine to make mistakes, to fail, to not be approved by others, to make others angry, that is not our responsibility.

This is your life, you are the creator of your own destiny, and it is alright to have faith in your intuition, to follow your gut instinct, even if that sounds wrong.

This life is about learning and we learn mostly from mistakes at first, but we grow optimistic and bolder when we listen to our hearts, our judgment.

The more straightforward and set in our direction, the more simplified and unchallenging everything will taste.

Thus, from today you are the only one who will decide for yourself and you will honor every grim of your spirit to live his life in its own right.

Be brave, be authentic, be determined, be decisive, build up your confidence, and find beauty in your courage!

RS ❤❤

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