Wake-up call!

Society is undergoing a massive spiritual awakening!

When your higher self or Universe is forcing you to go within by placing you into something dangerous, because unconsciously there is a need for transformation, screaming help.
Please, notice me, pay attention to me, listen to me, hear what I have to say, look at me, I am important!

Life and everything connected with it is temporary, all that matters is how we spend our time, are we living in the present and enjoying ourselves or are we in a nutshell hiding from the world?

Are we doing something valuable, are we proactive or are we stuck in our prison called mindset?
Is the energy of abundance flowing or we are just in survival mode?

We don’t stop exploring life just because something unfortunate happened, we find that lesson illuminating and we keep on moving forward, breaking free from our patterns.

If we slip in despair because we are afraid, or shut down after every fall, we are going to lose the essence of existing, and existing means facing ups as well as downs, yet, we fight for those tiny worthy breathtaking moments, and no matter how small they are we still believe in bliss.

Life is full of unexpected events if we are not used to the unpredictable, we will only suffer and be anxious, but if we stay grounded, flexible, and navigate through every single experience then we upgrade.

Don’t lose heart on life, give in your unrealistic expectations and fearfulness. Don’t give up your dreams, doubt it but get going anyways.
There is wisdom and precious genuinity when we move beyond our security.

Realizing everything is changeable, nothing stays the same forever not even forever for that matter, so embrace the unknown and open your heart wider, life waits for you when you let go and when you embrace the flow, regardless of how hard life seems right now, the cycle of darkness is surely followed by the light.

We can have goals and plans but we cannot control the outcome, we do not know for sure what is going to happen, sometimes we wish for things that are appealing from a substantial point but are not the greatest on a spiritual level.

So to speak, our material self gets disappointed, hurt, but the divine US knows the truth and will not bother, so if we let the mask fall, the certainty will show up and we will engage effortlessly, effectively when opportunities arise.

I don’t know how my life will unfold although I work towards my aspirations and I am grateful for my achievements, however, I am not able to foresee the future nor oversight circumstances but I strongly believe that I am always guided, protected and that all is working for my highest good.

I believe that we will feel better as time goes by, not because unpleasant things will not occur, but because we will get used and with maturity, we will understand and overcome them faster.

Our only responsibility is to live vigilantly, consciously, and with awareness.


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