Push and pull!

Twin flame meeting!

When I write about twin flames, I refer to the energy of genuinity, without conditions relating that goes beyond the concerns of human preconceptions before the ascension and awakening.

We think it is the ultimate Bed of Roses, it is unfiltered passion, love, and understanding, it is breathing free and all the past hurt it will instantly disappear.

We believe, they have it all together and know everything about life, on the contrary, they have so much to learn, and only within their meeting a new approach and meaningful way to release the burdens of many generations or lifetimes will be shown up.

We have been told to fear, calculate and think before we decide to love another, as others might take advantage, this mentality keeps us stuck and closes our heart, we do not believe in goodness, we do not think that we are deserving of love and we fall into this trap of illusion over and over.

When twin flames meet, usually, they are holding on to the things that are no longer serving them, unwelcoming prosperity coming in their direction.

Overwhelmed dealing with the material world and with people or low vibrational entities that are temporarily removing them from finding their real purpose.

They do not have consideration for their feelings and of those of their twin, energies are not matching, intuition is blurred, they miss on the connection and of seeing the bigger picture.

The true reason for their meeting and the higher calling that comes with it, it is to purge the old, to understand the universal truths, the beginning of a brand new cycle, they meet to realize love and believing in the process of heading toward unconditional comprehension of the eternity.

In their prior meeting, they are not resonating, they are blindfolded by the expectations and by the interference of others.

At the very beginning of their meeting twin flames are not happy as we have been told, and they are not even in the best place mentally, psychologically, physically, although always connected spiritually, they are an extension of the divine not of themselves or others.

They twirl and twist, they reject, refuse, they deny, when one is ready, the other is not, and vice versa they take terms, blaming themselves, blaming one another, blaming God/ Goddesses, blaming everyone and they keep on loosing the opportunity to blend and communicate.

Due to that reason, they think that the problems they have to overcome are way more than the reasons for being together, again they are not looking beyond their limiting beliefs, as when they finally will do, they will see that all the obstacles where indeed self-made and unreal.

They will understand that being together hurts less (if not at all) than being apart, that all the differences can be met and recognized so they can move on forward without the fear of abandonment nor rejection, or losing one another, failing and hurting others.

Therefore, when they willfully choose to engage and will know that the fear of being loved is weaker than the love they have for one another, a waterfall of abundance will reign their reality and of them around.

There is always a lingering feeling of unfinished business between these two until it is finished and that will only end when they make it right and surrender.


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