Moon in Libra!

This is also valuable for the Moon in the 7th house!

You desperately in a chaotic world need balance, love, harmony, and extravagance.

Your desire for everyone to be happy and everything to be unbiased makes you anxious as you feel like pleasing is not within your reach. Overcome the desire to mediate in all cases, or you will come across as codependent.

You are beautiful at heart and for sure in your looks, you find pleasure in romanticism, fine art, social gatherings, chatting with others, participating in high-rank parties, and maintaining your diplomatic skills everywhere you go.

You don’t let the tension get over your vibration, but you surely suffer big time when things are not working out as you would expect them to.

Your need for justice makes others uncomfortable at times as not everyone understands this compulsion of yours, besides in the real-world when good and bad reside together it is beyond any rational explanation to maintain the status quo.

However, you are here to realize that truth and instead of trying to hard to help and fix everything and everyone around, you should at least recognize your own shadows and demons so you can learn how to calm them down, thus attaining happiness and balance within, without pressure exteriorly.

We either long for what we cannot be provided with, or the opposite happens.

Your mother might have been critical, absent and she was unable or unwilling to comfort your emotional needs, she did not answer your questions, but she is not your enemy, she in a way pushed you to become self-reliant.

You are slow at committing to anything or anyone, you require time to process and analyze, weigh pros and cons, and then decide unless someone else has already done it for you.

Although you will still have doubts and bicker, at least you didn’t have to choose a direction, especially being wrong is not in your vocabulary.

You easily approach style and refinement, you love entertainment and adventure, you are a great companion in that regard.

You are known for your leadership skills as you are an air and cardinal sign, yet your tendency to think things thoroughly and your indecisiveness makes you overlook opportunities, and then you regret going down a path or not.

This behavior haunts you for a long time, up till you start deciding from the heart and stop looking to be always right, sweet, nice, fair.

The bolder you get, the better your life unfolds and you will always make a good living, you will always have plenty and live in abundance, you just have to relax and enjoy the bliss that will at all times be offered at you.

You need partnerships like the earth needs the water, you can be at your best when you have someone beside you and you would love equality which ironically you will rarely get… simply because you have to learn compromise and be compassionate towards your loved ones, only then you will feel complete and in alignment exactly when you stop focusing on how relationships should progress.

You have intuitiveness, but the downfall it is your mental internal conflict that you constantly face, should you go right or should you go left because those both seem very damn good from your viewpoint.

You are generous and gorgeous, your smile shines from a mile away, your taste for elegance is well noticed and we all love someone like you around.

You are very friendly and loyal, we only want you to chill and be true self, you don’t need to prove nor convince us if nothing, we know that you have all the good intentions, it is just life is unpredictable and you have got to get past that.


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