I am a lover, I am a fighter!

An opposition of feminine and masculine my life has been, at times I even love and hate myself with the same force.

Walking on eggshells, wondering how does it feel to stay in the middle.
Threatened by the light, thrilled by the darkness.

How can I possibly tame this beast within, how can I best manage this constant interaction, this internalized contradiction?

Exchange of both worlds, we carry forward tremendous power and sinking in.

A lonely passenger of long-gone times, how do I shift and become one?!

Interpreting the magic we have never touched, weirdly enough to concentrate, shaping the future we so long for without being frightened of destroying what we have created thus far.

I am a lover, I am a fighter, always pushed to the edge, my limits are tested, tough by day, sweet at night.
One will never fully understand, a mystery, a puzzle you would think, you do not have to worry as I don’t even know who I really am!


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