What does it mean to hold space?

Now, remember when you meet those who hold on to pain, regrets, and plenty of grudges, they will never forget nor forgive, they have made up their mind, they have chosen to suffer.

However, as a result through tightness and rigidness two things might occur, we either overcome ourselves and we grow optimistic, raising up from our circumstances, from what others say, think and do, or simply we are stuck in a vicious cycle of revenge when no one has or will ever win anything of substance.

The one who knows more and is evolved is constantly in the position of keeping firm, remaining silent, and maintaining distance in order to be objective.

It feels like the teacher in a room full of kids, no matter how intelligent and unique they are, cannot whatsoever exceed the teacher’s wisdom.

Thus, it is of paramount importance, a requirement from him to be patient, balanced, to have the bigger picture in attention at all times.

He has the magical wand, not because he wants it, ironically, because he has earned it through lifetimes, he must see beyond the curtain, put all the dots together, surpassing expectations, narrow mindedness, staying strong in the midst of undercurrents, being honest and true within, since he is aware of the projections outside.

He is like the diligent, he has to see with mental clarity, however, he is not supposed to lose touch with emotions, his or others, he is juggling between options, he does not play the devil’s advocate, he is in the role of turning off the light for the audience, hopefully, they will understand his point, he does not take sides, he strongly believes in the goodness of all that is.

As a judge he is aware his decisions will disappoint a few and will make happy others, certainly, he is not on that throne for his egoistic interests, his intentions are to be fair, faithful, and neutral.

Most of what is going on has nothing to do with him, he knows what he has to know, his challenge is to keep it going even when there are disagreements, he has to show through his actions and opinions what he holds of significance for the wholeness and discard what is individually subjected.

His part is extremely well thought, he is alert timelessly and tirelessly.

To some, he might seem cold, to others heartfelt, but my darlings he has no other choice, he is on a mission, his purpose is enlightenment.

Moreover, he knows he is different, he has born that way, the black sheep everywhere, he anticipates the future, but that is not concerning him anymore, he is on this alley and he has to accomplish what he has activated.

My darlings, even if you don’t understand why he is so distinct on this voyage, he does, he has analyzed and he has ascertained many secrets, now he has to hold space and wait for his ship to come and get him, but before he has to spread across what he has found.


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