How to get your ex-partner back?

Everything and everyone we are no longer interested in comes back.

It is as simple as that, what makes it hard is the resistance applied when we want it so badly, and that keeps it away from returning.

As the saying goes “An ex is an ex for a reason”, thus, why would you want it back is a question?!

The trick is not all relationships are going to last, not all people that we will be involved with in some way are good for us.

Here are some of the reasons that might have impacted the end of the relationship:

Your ex-partner and you could not make it work due to a lack of communication, maturity, and self-awareness.

You were growing apart spiritually, mentally, and physically.

Betrayal, disrespect, emotional and or physical abuse might have happened.

Constantly arguing and losing interest in one another.

Incompatibility, not being ready to offer what we want, not being able to receive.

Fears, fears, fears of abandonment and rejection, distrust, unbearable jealousy, and so many other factors might have caused the separation…

Now the truth is, why would you want to go back to any of those issues mentioned above?

Yes, there have been some good moments you would say not only bad ones but there has been a major reason that has led to this falling apart don’t you think?!

Most of the time every ending brings a better new beginning, the problem is we think that we will end up with every encounter for the rest of our lives, or even worst they are irreplaceable, they are one of a kind, but if they were your one and only you would have been together by now no matter what, however, you aren’t, are you?

You see we have to be willing to understand our truth and the real truth, we are so scared to accept that there are many other people that can offer us what we deserve and even be a better match.

That there are others who are in alignment with us and our ex is probably not anymore, so we have to hold ourselves small and stay in this situation that is not benefiting us, or we have to learn how to let go and make room for greater opportunities to show up.

I wish I knew this before, I would have saved myself from so much pain and suffering.

The Universe is abundant and the possibilities are infinite, there are so many people and partners that can make you happier, respect you and offer you the ultimate dream, why would you focus all your attention on someone who might not even want you anymore for any of the reasons that we just listed.

So let’s go back to your question, how to get your ex-partner back, how about you move on and let the past in the past, probably there is no more growth with the past, maybe you have leveled up and everything is going to feel so good very soon, as soon as you look at the future with optimism and with openness, the future is better than the past at all times, hell the present is way better than the past.

There is only one thing you should not dismiss in your question, go as deep as you can, weigh the pros and cons, don’t try to fit a square into a circle, try to see beyond limitations learn what is important, understand what did you get from this experience, free yourself and your ex for that matter. You owe this healing to yourself.

If your ex-partner is meant to be part of your future he/she will certainly be, no doubt on that, but you crying over spilled milk and closing the door to the never-ending opportunities that life has to offer it is not going to bring your ex back nor is going to make you feel more joy and love.

So to speak, never wish for your ex to come back into your new reality, thank them for being part of your life even if they hurt you, and even if at some point you thought they were your number one, thank them anyway and allow life to take care of you over and over.

Move on forward with confidence, because a journey is always unfolding, I strongly believe for the greatest good.


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