Money or Love?

Constantly questioning everything, what inspires us to wake up in the morning? What fuels our entire being with passion and purpose?

… nowhere else you will find a different answer, two of the most important components in life are:
1. Love
2. Money

In balance, they fulfill us greatly.

To far in love we miss ourselves and the ability to focus on making our living, having the necessities, the freedom of expression, and the joy of realizing our dreams.

To far away from the love we become like machines, robots, cold-hearted, we might travel the world and expand as much in adventure or excitement, still deep down we feel a void.

Truth is, however a spiritualist I may be, I have learned the human language and these two are pretty damn significant, they hold lots of power.

Sometimes money can overcome love and at times love exceeds money, they are interchangeable.

Even love that is the best feeling we can experience, cannot survive the tests of luck.

Think of Twin flames, the greatest love ever existed, many lifetimes or at least once they have denied one another and their emotions because money became more valuable.

Living in a material world, money is the CEO, money opens and closes doors and many cycles.

After all, love does not pay bills nor gives us luxurious pleasure.

No wonder all this Universe revolves around Love & Money, no matter how much we turn it and twist it when we find love we crave money, fame, and possessions when we have money we seek to love and emotional contentment.

We should not forget money can give us tremendous satisfaction. Only money can buy us things that love is unable to do so.

The reasons that can destroy those two are greed, undervaluing one or both, taking them for granted, fighting for none, and sabotaging sometimes one and at other times the other.

As we may know balance is found within, and accepting that they both hold the key to transformation not only for earthly happiness but to also achieve soul evolution is quite crucial. So, Love & Money it is.


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