“Go back to yourself.”

When we are not yet aware, we take others dishonorable behavior personally, and we might even think we deserve such treatment, there must be something wrong with us.
Although, when we start awakening we understand that quite the opposite is true.

Do you feel tired and exhausted, like nothing is working out for you, like you have hit a rock bottom and do not know exactly what to do to uplift your spirit?

Here is a quick one on how you can bring awareness back to yourself, feel instantly good, elevated and at peace.

Whenever your mind is wondering, especially when we are overthinking the same issue or for the same person over and over again, we have got to stop obsessing.

We might as well need to stop wanting to get the answers that at this point or in any other case might not even be significant, and ironically will not stop us from suffering.

What is important is the fact that you bring attention back to the parts that have been lost when dealing with other people or circumstances.

Since we are energy we give some of it away in any conversation or relationship, whether we are conscious about it or not, whether we want it or not.

Thus, give yourself the dedication it deserves and quit abandoning it.

“When we start giving attention to the abandoned self, she feels anxious and repulsed… but then she opens up.”

We abandon the self meaning we live in our mind and not in touch with our emotions & feelings, as a result of something traumatic that has happened or we are simply wired that way.

That is why we need to get back to ourselves, to anchor in our body, to listen to it, take care of it and then we can find peace of mind.

Therefore, the wisest and quickest way to restore your vibration and to focus on yourself is by doing this simple exercise I call it:
“Go Back to Yourself.”

When you feel upset and you think maybe you want something or someone in order to make you happy or be better do this:

One hand goes in your heart, the other in the womb area, and as you concentrate on your breathing say:

I love you,
You are whole,
I am here for you.

Repeat for a few minutes daily until this becomes your new reality and you will not miss anything or anyone outside of yourself ever again.

“When we are available to ourselves everything is within our reach even the Stars and the Moon.”

Good luck!

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