Here is the reason why relationships are in trouble nowadays.

We have misunderstood freedom in many ways, and sadly the freedom to do relationships has gone so far…

Love feels confusing when filled with criticism, emotional bursts, and then showering & pampering with gifts/affection.

Or is it love?!

Unfortunately, relationships are suffering more than ever before.
It feels like we have lost the grip of relating love with relationships.

If we can observe, it feels like a cut between the two.
It feels like you can easily distinguish one from the other as though they don’t belong together.

Where there is love, there is no ground and components for building a future and relationships.

Love has been seen with the lenses of passion and or lust, with the desire without stability.

While relationships on the other hand, are charged with practicality and little drive.

Yet, can we be practical and stable when we are excited?

I have noticed that we feel unstable, and we lose ourselves when a romantic relationship starts to develop, people seem happy but quite neurotic.

I have seen my friends, siblings, others around me, it is kind of disturbing being with them when they are in love, their obsession for one another, wanting to be together at all times it is beyond reason.

You cannot hangout with your friends like you used to, because they will bring their partner, or they will be talking non stop about them, and it will feel like they are there even though as a phantom.

On the other side, we have those who have no feelings left for their partner, no compassion, sometimes not even compassion (usually when the relationship has passed the “bubble” phase), they treat their partners like slaves, where there is lots of calculations, practicality over anything, money and possessions over love and communication.

Then we have those who are reluctant to enter in a relationship because of the confusion that is going on with love & relationships.
Here we want both to coexist, we want a loving relationship with communication and commitment, but that there is also passion, growth, freedom and excitment.

To my belief many relationships out there function without inner work, and I do also believe from very flawed people, the number of relationships that are healthy & conscious is very, very limited.

There is a strong possibility that there are more healthy individuals who lead a single life in that regard.

My point is we need to find the golden ground so we can bring into consciousness our imperfections, thus we can keep relationships and love alive, with ourselves and others.

Just to be clear, no matter our style of attachment, and even if we don’t do any work at all with our patterns and limited beliefs, at some point we will meet the match to our puzzle.

However, we need to strengthen our relationships through true love, and intention to be in healthy deeply commited but happy relationships.

It is time to end dull, and nonsense contracts for the sake of extending ourselves to a wider perspective on how we would like to connect.


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