How to stop overthinking?

We might believe that we are good at analyzing and logic, or at the very least we are good with uncovering our feelings & emotions, because we seat with our subconsciousness and we release or transmute what is no longer serving us.

It may sound as very healthy thing to do, and I have done such all my life, balancing my intuition with my rational side, I have been to the depth of my hidden shadows and came back.

Yet, even though I have done much healing, what had kept me from moving is the fact that I keep revising, reviewing or revaluating what could have been different, what I could have learned if I see it from another angle?!

There are also other human fellows like me that have done this with a shrink but they remain in stagnation for so long, because talking may feel good, reapeting it may be as a bad as the experience itself…

…because when we talk again and again for the same thing, we relive it each time, and we stand on our way or even worse in the same vibration which is usually painful and unhealthy.

While we have been told that in order for us to feel better we should not avoid our isissues, however, our brain runs on autopilot and keeps us stuck in the same cycles due to our programming.

Thus, it may be beneficial and a breath of fresh air everytime we avoid “fixing” what we have been dealing with many times now.

Getting distracted or being present it is not avoidance, it is actually very important until you stop thinking that thought and your vibration shifts.

So, either bring yourself back to this moment to recover and feel whole again, or do something completely else that has nothing to do whith what happened in the past, whi5h what bothers you.

Have fun, travel, watch comedy movies, try something new, develop a hobby, all those may be great ways to relase yourself from repetitive thinking and overthinking which are almost as destructive and similar.

It is time to take your power back, and to not let the old radio station play you around.

Here is a mantra so your mind does not wonder around & about thinking for others or creating problems that might not even exist:

“May I feel whole”.

Good luck!


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