Everyday spiritual

Moon in Virgo

This is also valuable for the Moon in the 6th house! Your emotional needs!You need order and organization, neat and clean surroundings, the stability of […]


Push and pull!

Twin flame meeting! When I write about twin flames, I refer to the energy of genuinity, without conditions relating that goes beyond the concerns of […]

Everyday spiritual

Wake-up call!

Society is undergoing a massive spiritual awakening! When your higher self or Universe is forcing you to go within by placing you into something dangerous, […]

Everyday spiritual

Hello, limbo!

According to studies, our frontal lobe of the brain is responsible for decision making. Spiritually speaking, our third eye or our awareness is being blurred […]

Everyday spiritual

Moon in Leo!

This is also valuable for the Moon in the 5th house! Your emotional needs! Moon is connected with our emotional needs and with our mother. […]

Everyday spiritual

The good hearted!

To all those who have a great heart and life has been wild with them, but they still dance in hope. I used to see […]