Upon meeting your Twin Flame…

You are guided to transform yourself, therefore this other human being will show you all the idiocy you are holding onto, all the traits you despise now need your attention to be accepted. Your negative side and your fears are not your enemies and they are not to be ignored, but integrated instead.

You are called to welcome change and the new shift to take place, your questions of previous years or even lifetimes are getting their answers, and it will scare you to death, shake you tremendously, and you will think you don’t deserve this suffering, you will understand limitations, become self-aware until it deeply hurts, and see what you have always avoided so badly, here you are all your walls of separation are teared down.

Your twin flame will challenge you and treat like no other, very lovingly because you don’t believe in love, or very poorly because you will finally learn that you deserve to be treated better, in both ways your twin is your teacher you will never forget, you will hate this same individual and you will love them with all you can without even knowing why?!

You are going to feel tired, disappointed, lonely, isolated, and confused, in the meantime, you are going to feel loved, inspired, self-reliant, and strong like never before.

This is not an accidental encounter, it is not the easiest journey, it is the most difficult one I would say, surely it will become even more uncomfortable if you try to resist participating in this project you have so voluntarily assigned for.

Meeting your twin flame it means that your spirit has grown enough to have this blissful experience, and outgrown enough the meaningless superficiality
you have been worshipping for so long, your spirit requires wisdom and evolving.

Upon meeting your twin flame you and your life will never be the same, you will discover the real you, the one you will no longer hide from yourself nor from the world, you will constantly accept that powerful beauty that lies within and you will vibrate pure unconditional love, that’s what makes you special.

This way you are giving to yourself and to everything around you the most important gift, freedom, and awareness to explore all the possibilities of life knowing that this is all short-lived, we get and give and we certainly leave.


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